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葉惠美 Yu Hui Mei
					Welcome everybody, I have finally been able to update this site for the first time since November!
			  	I only realised that you people were still visiting this site when i check the site's statistics. So
			  	right now I am producing a brand new MIDI file for you to enjoy - and yes it is another exclusive Jay
			  	track unfound anywhere in MIDI format except here, so watch this space!

				歡迎大家, 自從11月我終於能更新這個網站了! 我正在做o緊一個全新的MIDI使您們享用- 並且這MIDI再次是全網尋不到的
				周杰倫歌曲 - 我做結束立刻將出版為您們。 我應該下個星期完成 - 那時, 請把您的意見留在留名簿!
											~ Squidkid, 8th June 2004

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