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Compairng Movies

I have written about 2 of the most popular movies in the category adventure. They have fascinated thousands of people al around the world, and the books have sold millions of copies before and especially after the movies. But have they, in any way, something in common whit each other? That is what I’m going to find out.

Since they both are in the same category doesn’t necessary mean that they are in many ways alike. And these movies are two good examples of what I mean and what I’m trying to explain. Beside the stories are there many differences between them. Their stories are build up differently. The movies about Harry Potter are made in such a way that you can see that it is a fairytale with the flying car and the magic that’s being used. But in The Lord Of The Rings they want you to believe their story is something else then a fairytale. They make the movie, like the books, to make you believe that this has really happened. This is a big different between these films because they send two different messages to the audience. One little thing which you can see that Harry Potter is more a fairytale then Lord Of The Rings is that the age limit is lower in the Harry Potter films. It’s made for children as a fairytale while Lord Of The Rings is made more as a story that seems real.

The special effects are also different in the two movies. They are using different companies to make and develop the special effects in the movies. The team behind The Lord Of The Rings movies used Weta Work Shop or Weta as it’s known as. They hired the best people all over the world to work on the special effects on the films, they didn’t use only the people in the company and that is one of the things that makes the special effects in the movies so unique. One big different which you can see is that the Lord Of The Rings team has more sculpture and figures then what Harry Potter has. Weta Work Shop makes the sculptures from the movie. They are each represent a moment in the greatest trilogy.

There was also a big different when it came to money. Lord Of The Rings had a lot more money that the makers of Harry Potter had. But LOTR had also more and extreme special effects. New Line Cinema gave Peter Jackson and his team a lot of money after they saw the first clips from the movies. And that gave Jackson more recourse to make the movie so great that is became. But I’m not saying that the movies of Harry Potter are not financed well. But they had not as much money as Peter Jackson and company had, but they used the money well.

Harry Potter is much more different then LOTR, not just the story and contents in the films. They are both in the category adventure movies, but they are to different adventure types. Harry Potter is a real adventure film. It's built to be seen as a fairytale. The team behind LOTR is making the movies like a story that have taken place a time ago. But in the same time an adventure movie with many spectacular special effects and computer graphics. You can see what I mean with “special effects and computer graphics” if you see how they made Gollum. He's one of the main characters in the trilogy.

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Compairng Movies