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Oct; 12th, 2003

Well, I really don't know hat to blog about, had a farly ok day I supose you could say. This morning wasn't very fun, I sleep good tough.. kinda i had a bad dream with my EX and his new girlfrined.. grr.. and then of course my morning was very emotional for some odd reson i've been doing good for a while.. oh well i'm kinda better now i think shes staying the night with him tough.. ew..But anyways..

I'm tired... and lonly... poopers..... lol I'm just not haveing a good day.. i'm gonna go to bed i can't really blog about anything interesting..oooh yah i forgot...

I went over to my friends house friday night and hung out with a bunch of people haha i went running trough the field top less... hahah that was fun... and then one of the kids was skate boarding down the hill and he fell head first into the pavment.. man the poor kid like got a huge egg about his eye it wasn't pretty i felt really bad.

oay wel lthats about it lol.. sorry nothing isn't going on much fun.. mmm...

Oct; 9th, 2003

Whats going on? Not to much yah my first blog for the site! go me.. i really don't know waht to say i'm just geting stuff set up and all so i canshow people to get hosted somwhere.. again.. lol Many of you probly remeber me from Lil Bay Mare or alot of other random sites i've had over the net.. i'm going to try and keep 'WHOA' going for as long as i can but we'll see wha ti can do.. lifes diffrent.. i'm single now.. kinda good and bad thing i mean when you best friend takes your boyfriend and then everybody treats you like shit? i guess life is fine.. naw.. really it's oay now i'mon the up hill now no more don hill.. i hope... I've even got a job! 20 bucks a week but hey... lol, i get to give lessons to this girland also work and treat her horse.. yah it's awsome.. my new barn is done! well toher then a few little things here and there but it's basicaly finished! and the houe i'm gonna start working on my room so thats livible and so.. i sould be moving about Nov; 1st.. yups yups.. Lol, who ever reads this probly dosne't know what the hells going on to sum it up in the past 6 months...

Boyfriend for a year splits with me and gose wiht my hoe of a man looking 'good friend' and so i fall apart and go don hill, befor that i've been working on the new place me and my mom bought becuase of the devorce so we've been working on it to get it up and ready to live in with all of our animals and us and have it look nice becuase all we've lived in is a dump, So needless to say this is the year we sould be moving and my life sold be coming to the front and even better.. kinda o.0 , Oh and my name is Hiliary look for me around ;) lol,

About me?
Hiliary,yes thats how it's spelled,animal lover,15 horses, 2 cats,4 dogs,2 goats,1 rabbit and billion chickens..not a City Bird and not a hippie living on nature freak,Down to earth, style is anything and everything, music all types..Single and looking for fun, computer geek,homeshcooler,and last but not least.. I'ma girl. oh and bad spelling.....

Maybe Content
I'll have links to some pages i make up in the future..
Test Link
Test Link

Random Update
9-12-03_ I'm shedding hair like crazy! i think i'm going bald.. omg.. no!!!!! 0.0

haha these are all stupied but what the hay...
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