Cordalene at the TLA !!!

November 9, 2003
Cordalene plays the TLA on South Street, Philadelphia!

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First of the RED LIGHT pics

Taken from the left side of the stage. Y'know, in the area designated for the 21+ crowd. Got a funny look from the "large-and-in-charge" bouncer-dude. I flashed my ID and got my "bracelet", then went running up to the balcony. Two minutes later I had run back down and bolted towards the front of the 21+ section. Not more than five minutes later I had dashed right past him and back into the main crowd. I know, some of you are probably thinking that a perfectly good ID has been totally wasted on me...

Cool pictures, though.

Red Light #2

again with the original captions... *sigh* anybody wanna help me out?

Red Light #3

The lighting guy deserves a bonus for his work this night. 'Cause pretty flashing lights make me happy. So very happy.

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