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Oxycodone (oxycodone-oral) and its use

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Oxycodone is an analgesic drug from the group of opioids. It is a semi-synthetic solid, although the release forms in the form of capsules or solutions are allowed.

Medical applications

Oxycodone is used as an analgesic for acute pains, while combining it with aspirin or paracetamol. Oxycodone is usually replaced by morphine, hydrocodone or diamorphine. As a remedy for cough, oxycodone is not used.

Drug action

Oxycodone is a potent analgesic medicine with moderate analgesic effects. Ten milligrams of oxycodone taken orally are consistent with twenty milligrams of morphine sulfate taken orally and thirty-three taken intramuscularly. Also, ten milligrams of oxycodone is equal to thirty milligrams of codeine taken orally.

It is known that oxycodone can partially suppress withdrawal symptoms in drug addicts, but it is a powerful narcotic itself and should be used with caution.

While taking the drug, the person feels euphoric, however, other effects appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • breathing problems;
  • nausea.

With oral administration of the drug, the action begins after about fifteen minutes. Within half an hour or an hour, the maximum effect is manifested, and the total duration of exposure is between three and six hours.

Addiction and symptoms of poisoning

After re-taking the drug is already the risk of addiction, which increases with each new use.

Dependence on the drug is very pronounced and manifests itself in both variants, physical and mental. The appearance of withdrawal syndrome may occur upon discontinuation.

In this case, the following symptoms may occur:

  • strong tearing;
  • irritability;

sudden change of condition from chills to sweating.

Panic manifestations and loss of appetite, constant yawning and colic are frequent.

In case of oxycodone poisoning, a person begins to have severe difficulty breathing, slow heartbeat, drowsiness, mood disorder and disorientation. Vomiting may also begin, pupils severely constricted, skin rashes may appear.

The most serious consequences of oxycodone poisoning are usually arrhythmia, an increase in acidity in the body. A person may fall into a coma. In extreme cases, heart failure and cardiac arrest are possible, which often leads to death.

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