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Theta Alpha Pictures
Archie, our President
Battle of the Flower parade in San Antonio
The Alpha Theta Class, Fall 2002
Archie and Rollie
Big Big Ceremony Fall 2002
Archie and Lil Sis, Katy
Cody and Marc at TC
JimBob amazed?
Theta Alpha at TMEA
Showing pride at TMEA
Breathe Trey! BREATHE!
Psycho Nate
T-Alpha hangin out.
Blake, Ryan and John
Sean AKA Shane
Ryan before Formal Rush
John Houston
Yes Marc?
Don't be scurrred.  It's just Shane

Delta Psi at SWD Convention
Yes...his head is blue...
SWD Brothers and Sisters hanging out at Baylor
T-Alpha and TBS HE at SWD Convention
Don't we love bus rides?
Chillin with Funky T
Shane and the meat
Cody and Terry "attack" Joan
JimBob and Randy
Question Cody?
The guys know where to be...around Jessica
Our New sponsor, Dr. Schueller
John Lopez, our other sponsor, chowin on some food
Blake, Travis and Shane dicussing
Fall '03 picture @ Formal Rush
Randy preaching about something at Joint Informal Rush
Dr. Soul at Informal Rush
Sean and his girlfriend, Jesse
Cook that meat Nate!

Archie and Dr. Soul
Our sister Sabrina and our MC Matt
LOOK! The guy with the blue head! MATT FISHER!
Yes, the meat is good
MC Sammy trying his best...
Randy is still preaching
John Lopez, J-Lo, and his wife
Group Picture!
I just don't know...
Cody Richardson as Chicho!
An expanding family (Bernard, Archie, Randy and Blake)
Rolo and Katy
KKPSI from Angelo State, man we had a blast
Jess and Sammy gettin down
On our way to Oregon for some Women's NCAA action
Archie and TxSt Women's Basketball Center, Tori Tolbert
Chillin by the pool
My head!

Listen Up!
Give em yo' mug!
Basketball Band in Oregon (SWT VS LSU)
Still in Oregon
Archie meets Lisa Leslie
KKPSI T-Alpha on the plane back
Big Bro and Lil Sis with matching jackets
Sorry Jim Bob, I just had to put this up here
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