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Home     News     Calendar     Membership     Texas "LYNX"    


DPCPS is an active stamp club in the city of Dallas, Tx. We have two meetings per month except for November and December (when the Holidays can interfere with our meeting times). We publish an online and hardcopy newsletter every month and encourage our members to enter their duplicate or unwanted stamps in our club circuit books.

Our first meeting of the month is normally a 30 to 40 minute presentation on some aspect of philately immediately preceded by a short business session. Although our meeting starts officially at 7:30 pm, many members arrive at 7:00 pm to trade or buy stamps and socialize before the meeting starts.  LOCATION:  8523 THACKREY  Our second monthly meeting is a 15 minute presentation by a member about his/her collecting interests. This meeting is also preceded by a short business session. After the member presentation, their is a mini-auction followed by a trading/buying session among members. Once a quarter, we have a large auction of about 70 items as the program presentation for that meeting.

We welcome any stamp collector, accumulator or enthusiast to join us at our meetings. We also encourage you to join our club and participate in our meetings often. You can print out an application on the MEMBERSHIP page

Club benefits: