Love My Friends, Or You Can Burn Mwahahahah

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This is just a page with thumbanils of my buds hanging out and such. Unfortunatly the batteries on the digital camera died so I couldn't get them all. Since it is my parent's camera I have to sneak around with it. I will get more pictures of more friends I promise!

This here creation is Daniel. He is the youngest of my friends, but he proves his worthiness. He is a great guy and very funny. We like to joke and make fun of video games all the time. So far the best one is Dynasty Warriors 4. We have sworn the the all mightly Lui Bui will kill us all and destroy every video game ever created.
Ray is one of the closest friends I have. Funny, intellegent.. and loves to get in fights with me. What great friends we are huh!? he also bugs me to draw him a catgirl.. I will get around to it someday...
Laura is a good friend, but very violent towards males. She likes to kick em' in the nuts.. and she does.. trust me...
Jordon..Jordon..Jordan.. the funniest man I know today. He is a great comedian and friend. He can take anything and crack a good joke. he has no boundries... What what!! "Opression.. he is opressing me! See see! Hate for Arabs that's what it is, arrest this man or I shun Allah on your ass's!!! (He isn't arab btw nor muslim)
Gabby and Christina
The two good friends in my math class. We always help each other out with assignments. Both are anime artists.
Paul is one of the smartest people I know. He is also quite comical. I have his webpage in my links.
Sean is in my Shakespear class along with pual. Good guy overall.
Mrs. Trujjilo is in my computer ASSIST class. She is a fun teacher to be around and is a mac lover. Blah macs.
Mr. Loescher
Mr. Loeshure is my other ASSIST teacher. He helped me get started on HTML and META tags.

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