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Friends and Family

Some miscellaneous photos of our beloved friends and family

Christmas Day with Jeremy and Melanie
Christmas Day with Jeremy and Melanie

DTS Spiritual Formation Group
Our DTS Spiritual Formation Group

Sarah Branson
Our adorable neighbor friend, Sarah

Dallas Apartment 25 years later
Ivan and Jeremy used to live here back in 1977

Jeremy's birthplace
Jeremy's Birthplace

Our 4th Anniversary
Celebrating our 4th Anniversary

Some CTers
CrossTrainers on a Friday Night

Jeremy's Birthday Dinner
Jeremy's Birthday Dinner June 22, 2002

Market City Cafe
Dinner with Rex and Bee June 8, 2002

Ivan, May, Adora and Josh
With Adora and Josh on September 16, 2001

May and Roz
May and Rozlynn

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