How to Spot `Em & Drop `EM

Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have.

What's Your IP #?

This is NOT a personal bashing of someone
but an alert to the internet public.

I'll speak openly & strongly about this crime.
This periphery form of stalking is NOT confined to just outside your home.
It is here, on the internet where it may be less threatening
but none the less still very alarming & uncomfortable.

Stalkers harbor almost pathological levels of hatred & resentment
against certain people
in their lives or just people in general.
Including former friends, family members & boyfriends.
They can be, depending on their moods, threatening, suicidal or happy.
Calling in on all emotional masks.
Which is also equivalent to some form of normal appearance in their pathetic life.

Under the law(s), stalking is defined as a repeated pattern
of unwelcome & harassing contact,
such as emails, guest book posts,
web site dedications, following, surveillance & threats that cause fear
to their victim. In some states, the stalker has to make a credible threat
of violence; in others, the victim merly has to feel somewhat fearful.
Most studies on stalking are focused on females.

A nationwide survey found a high percentage of stalking in both men & women.
The survey, a part of the National Violence against Women defined a stalking victim as;
someone who experiences unwanted or unwelcomed communication,
harassment, attention, intrusions or threats.

When your stalker is a female, she’s more likely to be mere acquaintance or even a stranger.
One in four of these women are violent.
They can alternate between many moods.
Different levels of niceness to becoming threatening.
Stalking has nothing to do with love but with depression,
a disruption of social function & social isolation.
They know how to hurt you, they know your fears & they know your hopes.
They know your history.

This pursuit feels like a courtship, however twisted.
It serves as their ultimate goal.
Experts say to start compiling a record of your interactions,
the sooner, the better. Stalking is a paper crime,
documenting every incident is extremely important. Keep a stalking log,
dates, times, places, emails & witnesses. Most important, whether you felt fear.
Keep everything, fighting the urge to dispose of your evidence.
Your phone records can be traced, place a trap on your line,
documenting a pattern of repeated, harassing phone calls.

Alert the world, telling friends, family & co-workers.
No matter how painful or embarrassing it may be to you.
When stalkers get attention sometimes they feel it’s a welcome thing.
An incredible amount of victims still feel the need to look over their shoulders, just as I do.

I am here to warn you, to alert you!
How even the internet can become a dangerous playground.
These creeps will try to gain control.

Here are a few examples that I have found, a list of warning signs, some I have experienced.

Beware of the borderline personality.
Their lives are marked by an instability of moody, intense & impulsive behaviors.
Most suffer from an extreme fear of abandonment.

Watch out for people who love too much.
If they’re always turning up in your life & it feels weird, then it probably is.

Beware of clingy clients.
A large proportion of females become fixated on professionals.

End it immediately!
Even before they can realize you’ve dumped them.
Have no urge to listen to what they say, regardless
of how it makes you feel. Above all,
do NOT attempt to reason or defend yourself.

Remember it is NOT your fault!
You are NOT to blame for their troubled pathetic minds.

Be strong, document, notify & ignore. Always!

Visit my page on my personal experiences that have continued over the last 2 years!

WiredPatrol > Law > Cyberstalking > US Stalking Law > Texas Stalking Law

Texas Stalking Law

1-2 relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the offenses of

1-3 harassment and stalking.


1-5 SECTION 1. Section 42.07, Penal Code, is amended to read as

1-6 follows:

1-7 Sec. 42.07. HARASSMENT. (a) A person commits an offense

1-8 if, with intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or

1-9 embarrass another, he:

1-10 (1) initiates communication by telephone, [or] in

1-11 writing, or by electronic communication and in the course of the

1-12 communication makes a comment, request, suggestion, or proposal

1-13 that is obscene;

1-14 (2) threatens, by telephone, [or] in writing, or by

1-15 electronic communication, in a manner reasonably likely to alarm

1-16 the person receiving the threat, to inflict bodily injury on the

1-17 person or to commit a felony against the person, a member of his

1-18 family or household, or his property;

1-19 (3) conveys, in a manner reasonably likely to alarm

1-20 the person receiving the report, a false report, which is known by

1-21 the conveyor to be false, that another person has suffered death or

1-22 serious bodily injury;

1-23 (4) causes the telephone of another to ring repeatedly

1-24 or makes repeated telephone communications anonymously or in a

1-25 manner reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment,

2-1 embarrass, or offend another;

2-2 (5) makes a telephone call and intentionally fails to

2-3 hang up or disengage the connection; [or]

2-4 (6) knowingly permits a telephone under the person's

2-5 [his] control to be used by another [a person] to commit an offense

2-6 under this section; or

2-7 (7) sends repeated electronic communications in a

2-8 manner reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment,

2-9 embarrass, or offend another.

2-10 (b) In this section:

2-11 (1) "Electronic communication" means a transfer of

2-12 signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of

2-13 any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio,

2-14 electromagnetic, photoelectronic, or photo-optical system. The

2-15 term includes:

2-16 (A) a communication initiated by electronic

2-17 mail, instant message, network call, or facsimile machine; and
2-18 (B) a communication made to a pager.

2-19 (2) "Family" and "household" have the meaning assigned

2-20 by Chapter 71, Family Code.

2-21 (3) "Obscene" [For purposes of Subsection (a)(1),

2-22 "obscene"] means containing a patently offensive description of or

2-23 a solicitation to commit an ultimate sex act, including sexual

2-24 intercourse, masturbation, cunnilingus, fellatio, or anilingus, or

2-25 a description of an excretory function. [In this section, "family"

2-26 has the meaning assigned by Section 71.003, Family Code.]

3-1 (c) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor,

3-2 except that the offense is a Class A misdemeanor if the actor has

3-3 previously been convicted under this section.

3-4 SECTION 2. Subsection (b), Section 42.072, Penal Code, is

3-5 amended to read as follows:

3-6 (b) An offense under this section is a felony of the third

3-7 degree [Class A misdemeanor], except that the offense is a felony

3-8 of the second [third] degree if the actor has previously been

3-9 convicted under this section.

3-10 SECTION 3. (a) The change in law made by this Act applies

3-11 only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this

3-12 Act. For purposes of this section, an offense is committed before

3-13 the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurs

3-14 before the effective date.

3-15 (b) An offense committed before the effective date of this

3-16 Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed,

3-17 and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.

3-18 SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
President of the Senate Speaker of the House

I hereby certify that S.B. No. 139 passed the Senate on

February 7, 2001, by a viva-voce vote; and that the Senate

concurred in House amendments on May 26, 2001, by a viva-voce vote.

Secretary of the Senate

I hereby certify that S.B. No. 139 passed the House, with

amendments, on May 23, 2001, by a non-record vote.

Chief Clerk of the House

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