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Frisco,TX - South


Monthly Meeting Information

On the first Friday of each month, we meet to discuss club issues and service projects. The meetings are held during the day because that is when stay at home moms need support the most. All members are encouraged to attend and let their voices be heard. We will either have an informative speaker talk to us on a certain topic, or we will have a fun activity planned. Our meetings are very casual and we expect to have the children as background noise, just as we do in our own homes. Child care is available however on a first come first served basis and is staffed by volunteer moms in our chapter.

*** Coming in June and July ***

We will be holding elections for new board members. Please come prepared to vote and meet your new board! We traditionally do not hold a July meeting since it falls around the Fourth of July Holiday. We have good attendance at activities in the summer since everyone is generally less busy with activities. Hope to see you this summer at many fun MOMS Club activities!

Home Page

International MOMS Club

Children's Activities | Moms' Activities | Calendar of Events | Service Projects | How to Join?

Disclaimer: The MOMS Club of Frisco and the International MOMS Club does not guarantee or endorse any particular goods or services advertised here.

Copyright 2000 MOMS Club of Frisco

The name MOMS Club® and slogan MOMS Offering Moms Support® are registered and used with permission. This website is designed for informational purposes for the MOMS Club of Frisco members and prospective members and meets the website guidelines for local chapters set forth by the National MOMS Club.