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Random TIP InsAn(ne)ity

Hey, finally! A website devoted to Anne! This is under construction, because I have no idea what I'm doing...
Ok, unless you know me, you're probably like, "Who is this? What kind of drugs is she on?" Well, I'm not on drugs (unless apple stickers count), but I'm Anne. I live in Texas (yee-haw!) and once, I went to a camp named TIP. This camp changed my life. Without TIP, I would probably be a different person. I also formed some deep bonds there. Like, the way I connected with people there made me realize how superficial some of my friendships are at home. To EVERYONE: I love yall, keep in touch...or else... (pictures coming). These were the type of friends you keep forever...and I hope I will... I also got pretty close to alot of other people. Living with people for three weeks makes for a entirely different situation... Just know that if you're reading this and personally know me, I love you and treasure you. TiP wouldn't have been the same without you.
Duke's Statue, a poem by Mike

TiP 1999

Three Girls, a Banana, and a Quad
The infamous banana that I used as, nevermind. These were some of my friends from first year; they were in my class.

Me and Geoff dancing
So, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire we may not be, but we had fun. Geoff was also at TiP 2000. The big thing Geoff was known by was his "stairs incident." Ask me about it sometime...

TiP 2000

Some Dance...
Same as above, only closer
During one of the dances, Harry's ex-RA, Jim, from Davidson came over. This picture is a bunch of people who knew Jim and then, me. Desiree, Jamie, Patrick, Jim, Billy, Harry, Me.

This is Sterling, who was Grace's roomie. She was really random, well, sometimes.

This is Grace. We're like sisters, and we've known each other since first year. We've been in the same RAG all 3 years. Unfortunately, she's not coming back next year. :(

Beauty and the Beast
Me and Harry. Isn't that facepaint perfectly awful?

Which one has neater handwriting?
Hunter and Monica. I love both of them so much! Monica and I have been through a lot together, we're really close. And Hunter is the biggest sweetheart. Ok, so I call a lot of guys that, but he really is! He sent me the cow! (scroll down to Random TiP-related Stuff)

TJ's Underwear Egyptians!!!!
Second year I had the BEST RAG ever! We were all so close! And quite good with belts *cough* and boxers... Sterling, Robin, Sarah, and Grace.

TiP 2001

Our Birthday Partay!
We had a little birthday celebration, filled with fun, cheesy poofs, presents, confetti, and B. Duke Orgies (country style!)

Talent on Ice? I think so...
For Saturday trips, I (finally) got to go ice skating. Josh, Sarah, and Grace went with me! Here's Sarah and Josh.

Ok, so I admit I'm showing off a bit...
I'm a figure skater. Thus, the spiral position. (also called an arabesque)

The first of MANY Quadfest pics
Pegram is red and has been since I've been there. (3 years) Jessica, Me, Monica.

Girls on a Bench
Robin, Me, and Kirti on the Pegram bench, getting ready for Quadfest.

Pegram's Gals...
Same pose, different pic
Sonya, Ashley, Robin, Rina, Me, Whitney, Miranda, Grace, Ellie, Jessica

The Drag Queen and the Puss
Josh and me. No, he's not that much taller than I, he's wearing his heels/platforms. And he matches!

Ah, mystery event!
Mystery events are ALWAYS the best. This is my friend Paul, who was in Brown. Since Brown was throwing Quadfest anyways, he used his butt for a target instead of his head...Sexy, huh?

Me, I mean, B. Duke
My part in the Quadfest skit for Pegram was the part of the wise statue. Man, that tin foil got hot. And people wondered why I'm crazy. It's a good thing there wasn't any lightning...HUMAN LIGHTNING ROD!!! WOOHOO!

Mary Anne, Wanda, and the two Earls...(Alexa, Rob, Chris, and some guy I didn't know)
Mary Anne and Wanda's friends deciding what to do
The friends approach the statue
The statue advises...
Ding, Dong, the Earls are dead!
The five pictures above are those of our Quadfest Skit (written by Sarah). The basic pretense was "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks, with a twist of TiP. Wanda gets a boyfriend (Earl)and neglects Mary Anne, so Mary Anne gets her own Earl. The other friends are disturbed by the inattention to themselves and the upcoming Quadfest, so they ask the statue for advice. Now, the statue comes to life when wrapped in tin foil in the early morning hours, so that's when they asked B.Duke for advice. B.Duke gives them a potion, which, combined with Blazin Sea Nuggets (an already lethal food, though I like them), will kill the Earls. The Earls die, everyone rejoices. We won second for it. Pretty good for our lack of acting skills.

Continuing traditions...
Close up of above
In honor of some old friends (and our skit), I tinfoiled the statue. sniff.

Random TiP-related Stuff

Holy Cucumber!
Before going to TiP 2001, I spent a week at Monica's. This is her relaxing...

But does it fit in the overhead bins?
Wow, Monica fits inside her luggage. How frightening is that?

Monica is Superman, the lead singer for Most Definitely
This is another of those don't ask, don't tell things. We were posted, but not really.

Most definitely we were crazy that night...Red Rum, Red Rum!!! Man, the Shining is scary. But it was ok, cuz we formed a band called Most Definitely. It's part Spice Girls, part Hanson, part MxPx, part Deep Blue Something, part Three Doors Down, part...every other band that we know of!

This is the cow that Hunter sent me for Christmas. Cow Tippin w/ 4-Wheelers!

Top O' the Llama!
(blind)Sided by the Llama
This is the Llama, a tradition Josh and I are starting. It was a second term tradition, and we're starting a new one for first term. The llama is a symbol of TiP East Term 1 (or 2, if it's that term) that is currently an underground movement. The second term llama (an actual llama pinata) provoked a few "unfortunate incidents," so the llama is (officially) supposed to be confiscated if seen. But oh well. It's passed down from a fourth year to a third year who's returning to the same campus, same term the next year. I'm the current possessor of the llama, Josh gave it to me just to start it off even though he's a third year like me. I'll have to decide by talent show next year who to give it to...

Sarah's Pics

Alternative Wednesday Outfit
A picture of me and my best friend Robin. Here, I'm wearing my (in)famous "Man of Steel Outfit. Bassett had a cool bench

Chillin on Pegram Bench
A picture of Grace and Kirti. Grace has been in the same RAG as I have since first year. Kirti's a big sweetheart, in spite of calling me ugly.

Can Phil fly?
Some of the boys in my class. From left are Al, Phil, Paul, and Peter. I was in Political Philosophies, Revolutions, and Terrorism. Heavy, man.

Smile, James!
James in his alternative wednesday outfit. Smile, sweetie! (Robin's the one making him...*BITE)

B Dork Orgy...I mean, Group Pic!
Some of my "posse," or "mafia" as my roommate Emily says. Sarah (curly), Heather, Sarah (blonde), Robin, and me. Good times. *insert nostalgia here*

Me (Anne) getting her mack on...
Me getting my mack on with Paul and John on the Union steps. In the background are Jonathan, Kevin, Peter, Al and Stephen (Mary) They're all in my class. Must be after lunch and BLAZIN SEA NUGGETS!

Cheesy Poof Convo
Here, captured on film, is an elusive prey. Me and Robin having a cheesy poof convo in my room. 'Twas the stuff of legends. Wow, I look screwed up. On the top right, you can see my SIGNED deep blue something enlarged album cover. just thought i'd mention it.

Quadfest!!!! Like field day, only dorms compete against each other. One of the most memorable days in the entire term.
This is the only pic of me, Robin, and Monica together. They're probably my 2 closest TIP friends because we've been through so much together. I'm wearing Emily (my roomie)'s Target pants, Robin's wearing my cowboy hat, and Monica is being a pimp and a disco queen at the same time. Don't ask.

More Quadfest
Kirti (wearing my tank top) and Grace. They were roommates and really close, in case you're wondering.

Even More Quadfest...
Our dorm (pegram) color was red. that's why we're all wearing red. Lauran, Heather, Sarah (blonde), April, and Monica (who's showing that she is TRULY "talented").

Quadfest Skit
A new event in quadfest this year was the skit. Sarah (curly) made the skit up, based on Goodbye Earl. Fabulous skit. I was the statue Mary-Ann and Wanda's friends asked what to do. Also known as B.Duke, tinfoiled. Lots of inside jokes.

Pegram's Great Bench Theft
During their dorm entrance, Brown stole Spa's bench (even though no one but staff lived in Spa). After skit was over (and quadfest was over), Pegram carried the bench back. It was fun. I got on the bench and waved my beatin tin-foiled cane around.

Tin-Foiled Statue
In memory of some old friends, I tinfoiled the statue after the skit and bench migration. Some other people came and helped, and got in the picture too!

Quadfest Skit Outfit
This is me in my tinfoil outfit as I played a brief (yet shining) role as the statue. Let me tell you, I was baking in that thing. Of my own body heat!

Dance Pictures
Alex, Sarah, Olivia, and Deej before/during/after a dance.

More Dance Pictures
April, Heather, and Sarah before the dance. They're in April's room. Sorry if these descriptions are getting blander, I'm tired and it's late.

Even More Dance Pictures
Sarah, April, and Monica getting ready for the dance. Sarah and Monica were roomies.

Dance Pictures, Part 4:The Revenge
Kirti, Chris, and Grace. Yes, there was some dancing...once it got dark.

When will the Dance Pictures end???
April, Sonya, and Robin.

First Dance Picture
Us after getting ready for the first dance. It was a luau. I'm wearing my cat ears, yet another part of my (in)famous wardrobe. Me, Grace, Monica, Kirti(wearing my lei...don't ask why I bring these things...)

Second Dance Pictures
Second Dance: theme retro/decades. Grace and me, blowing a kiss.

Last Dance Pictures
James, Sarah, Robin, Me, and Monica. I was wearing a sari that josh made into a super-sexy shirt. I almost got in trouble for that and booty dancin.

Last Dance Pictures, the Sequel
Josh and Me. He designed my shirt/sari. If I look funkified, it's because I was crying because it was almost over.

James' Picture(s)

My friend James (who I've known since my first year) on the quad with a soccer ball.

TIP 2002

Rob and Stetson
My best friend and my roomie in our huge ass room...

Extemporaneous party
We had random parties in our room sometimes. Pictured are Sarah, Stetson, Alexa, Charlie, John, Will, Jen, and Kirti from left to right.

Extemporaneous party, pt. 2
Yet another shot, this time a candid one. Half-hidden John, Charlie, Will, and Jen. The parties stopped once Jen got air conditioning...

HAHA Macro!
This picture has a lot of special meaning to me. This is of Macro walking away after we beat them the FIRST time (we did it twice more). Go Game Theory! We ARE the dominant strategy!

Ah, Wednesday!
The lovely Rajeeva, Stetson (the pimp), and Willhemina. Wow, those boas got around.

First wednesday, pt. 2
Justin, Joel, Rajeev, Charlie, Will, Nick, and random legs and arms.

Bowling with Rajeev
About 5 of us went bowling (thanks Sarah!) and we once more got balls stuck in the gutter. Guess it's just an Underwear Egyptian mentality! But anyways, here's Rajeev.

Robin, I think Another one of Rob, I think.
These aren't very good pics. And they're almost the exact same thing. Oh well. *sigh* I did a lot of repeat pics, so don't feel obligated to look at every single one of them.

This is Kirti in Bassett (doggy doggy doggy! woof woof woof!) when we had the spades tournament.

Oh baby oh baby, Zach
This is Zach on the same day, lookin especially sexy with half-chewed food in his mouth.

All purtied up for the ho-down
This is some of the control group (we don't exist!) before our first dance, the ho-down. Jen, Justin, Will, Zach, Sarah, Kirti, Robin, Anne (me), and Alexa.

John's door
A goldfish turns white if you leave it in the dark. Goldfish have a memory span of 3 seconds. Fish cough. It is possible to lead a cow up stairs, but not down. John's 17th b-day present!

2nd Wednesday, Pt. 1
Bryan, John (w/ lumpy boobs-sorry!), Charlize, and Joel on Tipquionx

2nd Wednesday, Pt. 2
Same pic as above, slightly different though.

2nd Wednesday, Pt. 3
Same day, but now with others: Willa, Charlize, another Willa, Sammy, and Rajeeva.

Happy Stickers!
Robin, Stetson, Sarah, and me (Anne) with happy happy stickers. Maybe they were laced with orangeade!

Pretty Bryan!
We had a lot of fun making the guys' hair pretty. Unfortunately, Charlie and Zach took their pigtails out before I could take a picture. If anyone (Rob, Jen) has a pic of that, I want a copy!

Uh oh...naughty naughty!
Justin and Kirti are being bad... Quote of the day- Kirti-"Where are your legs going?" Justin-"Wherever my convulsing body takes them!"

Last night, pt. 1
That's Monica (who really really confused Sam without even talking to him), John, me, and Robin. Love the flower, John!

Last night, pt. 2
Foosball girls!!! Me (looking especially messed up), Monica, and Robin!

Last night, pt. 3
TJ's Underwear Egyptians!!!! Robin, Sarah, me, Monica.

Last night, pt. 4
Ah, B. Duke and his inverted genitalia made out of fruit. I think the guys are Larry and Bama.

Last morning, pt. 1
B. Duke, now minus the genitalia, being tin-foiled by Joel, Sarah, Rajeev, Kirti, and others.

Last morning, pt. 2
Control group (mostly) with a tin-foiled B. Duke. Will, John, Rajeev, me, Sarah, Bryan, Kirti, Joel

Last morning, pt. 3
Same as above.

Last morning, pt. 4
More pics with foiled B. Duke, different people this time. Lexa, John, Stetson, Rajeev & Robin, Sarah, Will, Bryan, Monica, Kirti, me, Joel. Say, where's Justin?!?

Last morning, pt. 5
Same as above.(I'm getting a little tired of trying to be witty, not that it ever works...can you tell?)

Last morning, pt. 6 and Last morning, pt. 7
Sarah, Monica, me, Robin, and Joel off to the side. The four girls=Underwear Egyptians! WOO!

More pictures (especially of "foine ass kevin") coming when I have the time. I PROMISE!

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TIP Sites! Send me more!

This is a site by Lindsay, TIP 98, 99, and 00
Sarah's TIP 2001 pics...I nefariously stole some for my page...
Pictures from Jenna 2001(?)
Alexa's (personal and TiP) Website 2001-2002
Eddie's TiP 2001 Page
Lyndsay's TIP 2002 Page
Official TiP Website

Fun Websites! (woohoo!)

The Anne Site

My E-Diary

My Italy Site


Fabulously Lame Jokes!

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