Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 02/04/2011

Posts By: David Wagner

  Date    Post    Topic  
10/28/2010Why focus on security models?Comprehensive overview of security models?
05/14/2010Is the problem well-motivated?Means to Limit or Constrain Side Effects
04/27/2010Some background readingCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/28/2010Some disagreement on a few pointsCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/28/2010Slides for my talkCapability-based security; how does it work?
04/22/2010There are plenty ofSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages
05/08/2010"automatic" is importantOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
03/24/2010Advantages of purity - securityAdvantages of Purity
02/17/2010So Joe-E as it stands is oneJoe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java
02/17/2010JVM bytecodes are full of pitfallsJoe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java
02/18/2010The system's gotta be usable for Java programmersJoe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java
02/17/2010Joe-E doesn't have an extensive taming databaseJoe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java
08/23/2009How to provide determinism in an imperative languageWhy determinism matters in language design.
08/24/2009Determinism != functional purityWhy determinism matters in language design.

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Chris Rathman/