Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 07/17/2012

Posts By: Laurence Tratt

  Date    Post    Topic  
03/25/2012I have no strong opinionsParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012In retrospect, I put theParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
03/27/2012I fear that shadowing inParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/02/2012For standard programmingParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't
04/16/2010That's definitely part of the pointHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/16/2010The - surprising to me - strength of CHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/20/2010I agree with the 3 options you outlineHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/20/2010In a sense, we almost agreeHow can C Programs be so Reliable?
04/25/2009Still do think thoseA programming language with extensible syntax
01/20/2009Impossible?Macro systems
09/17/2008There are languages with first-class 'macros'First-class Macros
09/18/2008CorrectFirst-class Macros
01/31/2008An hygienic macro is oneArc is released
03/27/2006I dunno, I think once youhelp from language people
03/28/2006Paul neatly summed up what Ihelp from language people
03/28/2006All failure should behelp from language people
03/20/2006It can't be done, at leastReversible generators
03/20/2006Don't forget this only worksReversible generators
07/03/2005Textual input and Language WorkbenchesMartin Fowler on Language Workbenches and DSLs
07/05/2005I definitely see a place forMartin Fowler on Language Workbenches and DSLs
07/06/2005> One of the biggest problemsMartin Fowler on Language Workbenches and DSLs
07/07/2005> I think that when we talk aMartin Fowler on Language Workbenches and DSLs
03/30/2005Generatorsexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
01/08/2005> Part of me - most of me, reIan Bicking: The challenge of metaprogramming
01/08/2005I think there is a danger inIan Bicking: The challenge of metaprogramming
01/10/2005> IMHO, self tail call optimiIan Bicking: The challenge of metaprogramming
01/08/2005>> There are two chief costsIan Bicking: The challenge of metaprogramming
01/08/2005> One problem here is that whIan Bicking: The challenge of metaprogramming
01/09/2005Unfortunately I've already haIan Bicking: The challenge of metaprogramming
01/09/2005>> I'm not sure I want to burIan Bicking: The challenge of metaprogramming
01/06/2005> I certainly hope that the LLinks (Wadler)
11/25/2004> It shows both that the PythRelease of Python 2.4, release candidate 1
11/20/2004> it's a stretch to say "allLanguage Oriented Programming
11/21/2004> There's already a standardLanguage Oriented Programming
11/21/2004> But the real concern is theLanguage Oriented Programming
11/21/2004> The real downside of inventLanguage Oriented Programming
11/22/2004>> One wouldn't expect to undLanguage Oriented Programming
11/22/2004>> Personally I suspect the dLanguage Oriented Programming
11/22/2004> I would check the informalLanguage Oriented Programming
11/26/2004> You are assuming that "readLanguage Oriented Programming
08/20/2004Failure in Icon is not equivalent to exceptionsError handling strategies
08/20/2004Re: Language ConfusionError handling strategies

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