Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 06/16/2009

Posts By: Timm Murray

  Date    Post    Topic  
05/09/2005Depends on ImplementationFrom Perl Monks: "pissed off about functional programming"
03/22/2005Same for all Copyrighted
03/21/2005More non-senseScript Vs Java
03/17/2005How Long to Develop?Will Wright Presents Spore... and a New Way to Think About Games
02/22/2005LOGODon Box: Teaching my kids to program
02/24/2005Get Your Infinate Paper Tape ReadyDon Box: Teaching my kids to program
01/27/2005Their all the same thing"Popular vs. Good" in Programming Languages
01/20/2005Then it Would Be EasyOOP Is Much Better in Theory Than in Practice
01/05/2005FlawedThe Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
01/10/2005Hence "Willing to put the effort into it"The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
01/11/2005Probably NotThe Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
12/22/2004Bad Assumptionsthe Chinese natual language
12/22/2004Could Widespread Computers Have Started There?the Chinese natual language
12/13/2004Possible vs. EasyTim Bray: Sun & Dynamic Java
12/13/2004Already Using ItTim Bray: Sun & Dynamic Java
12/01/2004Probably Already DoLanguage Oriented Programming
11/17/2004TradeoffsSwitch statement design
10/28/2004BackwardsMicrosoft and DSLs @ OOPSLA
10/18/2004What Kind of UMLer are you?Programming for non-programmers
10/12/2004Looking for a Solid Definition of DSLLooking for a Solid Definition of DSL
10/04/2004From an Overworked StudentShoot-out: most annoying compiler error message

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Chris Rathman/