Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 06/09/2007

Posts By: jsnx

  Date    Post    Topic  
06/03/2007Merging Functions, Modules, Classes, the whole nine yards...Merging Functions, Modules, Classes, the whole nine yards...
06/03/2007I have thought about thisMerging Functions, Modules, Classes, the whole nine yards...
06/04/2007Finding the right level ofMerging Functions, Modules, Classes, the whole nine yards...
06/04/2007Now I need some coolMerging Functions, Modules, Classes, the whole nine yards...
06/03/2007Is this language suited forIM IN UR COMPUTER, HAXIN UR CODE
06/03/2007Unfortunately, dolphins willIM IN UR COMPUTER, HAXIN UR CODE
05/03/2007Functional Object-Oriented ProgrammingFunctional Object-Oriented Programming
05/07/2007It would be great if youIs Integer wrapping an exceptional condition?
04/16/2007In your post, you suggestTwitter and Rails brouhaha
04/16/2007Frameworks were seen for aTwitter and Rails brouhaha
03/23/2007Text is 1dNo Ifs, Ands, or Buts
11/27/2006Java Generics and CollectionsJava Generics and Collections
08/15/2006help with [Barendregt & Barendsen, 1994]help with [Barendregt & Barendsen, 1994]
08/16/2006it's not with [Barendregt & Barendsen, 1994]
03/27/2007write now, install forever...Unix as programming language

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