Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 02/01/2008

Posts By: alix

  Date    Post    Topic  
01/22/2008Induction of variadic functions, functions over tuples, etc.Induction of variadic functions, functions over tuples, etc.
01/22/2008Numbers in SmalltalkNumbers in Smalltalk
12/08/2007I haven't seen Jif. ThanksDemocratizing the Cloud using Microsoft Live Labs Volta
11/29/2007foundations for J, APL etcfoundations for J, APL etc
11/29/2007I mean that the encoding offoundations for J, APL etc
11/30/2007Shape polymorphism?foundations for J, APL etc
11/17/2007Including life-cycle processes for generated code in a pi-compilerIncluding life-cycle processes for generated code in a pi-compiler

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Chris Rathman/