Wade's Saw Page
Click on the pictures to enlarge. Currently organized as: A thread on saw plate thickness; various pics, first handsaws then backsaws; finally some old Disston Catalog shots and some links. 4/16/02.

An observation of mine on saw plate thickness. I have a few more saws now than then. OLDTOOLS post
Pete Taran's response and measurements Disston backsaw plate thickness

First some handsaws

Disston 12, 1880s- Some fancy fine detailed wheat carving

Disston 12, early to mid 1870s- The nicest looking saw Disston ever made IMHO

Some Disston saws had handles made from curly maple

Woodrough and McParlin's famous Panther saw, I believe one of these has the record for highest price of saw at auction.

Handle found on an early McNiece saw

If you like nicely rounded saw handles, check out the top one from this pair of Disston 7s

Atkins funky finish/grind on blade, "Damaskeened" -model 500

On to the Backsaws

Disston open handled, in the early scalloped handled style, raised cone nuts believed unique- 1840s

A very early Richardson backsaw, with decorative handle- 1860s? How bout a nib on the handle?

Disston's groovy Number 9 Patent Improved Backsaw

Bishop, around 1900 about to be attacked by an ice saw. Hey I should own at least one of the saws on this page! I can probably put a couple others up but need some pics. You can see this is a model 7 even from this distant view. The bluing on the back isn't too bad either.

Disston Mechanics Own Model 77 backsaw, taper ground with 12 point teeth at the front, 8 point for the rest. Mario Rodriguez, eat your heart out, this one does you one better!
Now a few specialty saws

This is a Jennings toolbox saw, with a 10" blade. I lied before, this one too can be found in my shop (the saw, not the pictured Jennings toolbox)

Rumor has it this is a clockmakers saw, blade about 3 inches long.

This is a good use for modern junk saws- look at the carefully rounded handle and hefty back. Oops, I have one just like this without the paint, bought new in 1996. Disston's last effort was dull enough to merely warm the wood, not cut it. Was it really just a bread knife?
Now a few last items

Disston 1914 Catalog descriptions of 77, Acme 120 and D3 saw vise- Thanks Ralph! 1914 Catalog Reference

A little known site with lots of tools, dedicated to Maine toolmakers, here's the saws Davistown Museum Saws
Disston ground a lot of saws The Grindstone Church
Disston today, in name only. I'm not absolutely certain it is directly related, but I think so. Disston stopped making saws in 1994. Disston Today- Bathroom Kit?
A thread on hydrogen embrittlement and saws. George and Pete
2 threads on hydrogen embrittlement and baking saws in sun. George         Bruce and George         George on Sun Baking
Wanna paint a saw? Scary Link

3 vintage saw links, all worth a visit!
Pete Taran Vintage Saws
Erik von Sneidern Disstonian Institute
Bob Brode, also see his tools for sale. Saw Handle Gallery etc
