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Win my award

Fit for a king award

Win my Beanie Babie award here.

So you want to win my award huh?Well it aint that simple.If you want to know what im looking for then check out the list i made below to see if ya got a chance.

Music is always a good thing

You have to click on one of my banner adds at least 2 times(if you click it more the chances of winning get higher)

Absolutly no XXX images

Websites only about yourself and things you like are not a favor of mine

Signing my guestbook will make your chances of winning much higher =Þ

Winners must link back to my main page(

You have to click on one of my banner adds at least 2 times(if you click it more the chances of winning get higher)

What you have to write in this E-mail to win my award

Write your name

What your URL is

Your E-Mail

Write 1-3 sentences about what your website is about

Now E-mail me here and answer these questions in in the same order they are on top.I will check your website as soon as I can.You will get an E-Mail back from me in 1-5 days that will inform you if you have won or not.

Win my Beanie Babie award here.

Back to main page

Visitors since September 23