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Oct. 12, 2000
By Karl L Woods
RBP Founder

I remember the good old days when I could go outside fire up my F2 and blissfully whittle away hours of fun on my favorite roads. When the only bills I had were rent and insurance and I would spend my hard earned money on the better things in life like new tires, a steering damper and a set of braided lines for the brakes.

Oh how things have changed. Now the CBR is gone, replaced by a non-working Ascot 500 and My Race bike an also non-working Hawk. These bikes are supposed to be supporting my two wheeled addiction instead they are collecting a fine allotment of dust and grime. So were have all the good times gone? Well they have been replaced by; one wife, one daughter, and one house. Now the money I had allotted for the bikes goes to one of those three instead. The time also is divided three ways, which leaves little or now time for bikes. Last the responsibility is to put food on the table and money in the bank for bills I use to never have. My internal thirst for the open road and racetrack cannot be quenched.

What have I done wrong? How can I solve this equation? Time + Money – Responsibility = Motorcycle. Maybe all I need is some time and money management lessons; a few motivational speeches and a swift kick in the pants.

I will start with the time. Adding up all the time spent with my daughter wife and jobs, yes I have two jobs, and keeping up the house, I have little or no time left for myself. I always have something to do. So I must get my schedule in order so I can work on this hobby of mine I sorely miss. I need some “ME” time.

I believe the biggest hurdle is the monetary commitment to the bikes it is going to take to get the bikes in fair running order. Both bikes need a lot of little things to get them back in working order. I am sure the money is there hidden I just need to find better ways of saving it.

Most importantly I need to realize I can be a motorcyclist and still carry on the responsibility of raising a family. I see people give up this great sport for the same reasons I have given above. I know people who have sold off their bikes because of “getting married”, or “making room for a baby.” I do not want to be one of these people I want my passion, my love, my adrenalin rush. I will not go quietly into the night. I will ride again…First I have to wash the dishes.

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