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"The characters are two men and two women, all heterosexual, all complex, all portrayed with unerring excellence. Andrea Osborn, Michael Miller, Paul Norton, Kara Bliss - this stunning quad presents the truth."

Wayne Alan Brenner
Austin Chronicle

"Michael Miller's Dan hides behind smooth surfaces and crisp sentences, but roils inside."

Michael Barnes
Austin American-Statesman

Nominated for a B. Iden Payne Award by the Austin Circle of Theaters for my performance as Dan in CLOSER.

Pride's Crossing

"Some marvelous performers, all playing multiple roles, provide the other characters...The wild Michael Miller gives flambouyant exuberance to Mable's brother Frazier and to an elderly woman named Pinky."

Jamie Smith Cantara
Austin American Statesman

Nominated for an Austin Theatre Critics Table Award for my performance in Pride's Crossing.

The Possibilities

"The acting pool assembled is nothing short of impressive...Michael Miller's overwhelmed (and very naked) Alexander The name a few."

Skipper Chong Warson
Austin Chronicle

Nominated for a B. Iden Payne Award by the Austin Circle of Theaters for my performance as Peachy in The Last Night of Ballyhoo.

1999 Austin Theatre Critics Table Winner:
Supporting Actor in a comedy:
Peachy Weil, "The Last Night of Ballyhoo."

Ensemble Performance:
"The War of the Roses"

Hay Fever

"The actors who must respond to this fearsome foursome all mine the vein of discomfort for many laughs...and especially Michael Miller, who meets Sorel's demand to join her in the library with the hangdog look of a condemned man out of appeals."

Robert Faires
Austin Chronicle

Last Night of Ballyhoo

"Michael Miller does a virtuoso turn as the carrot-haired Peachy Weil..."

Jamie Smith Cantara
Austin American-Statesman

"...(Miller's) portrayal certainly was in accordance with the script...his hamminess and schtick got some of the biggest laughs of the night."

Sarah Hepola
Austin Chronicle

Perfect 10's | The Best of 1998: THEATRE
Stage Presence: "Most Memorable Moments"
#10 "Fresh in my memory, "Ballyhoo" was filled with sparklers, but Michael Miller as Louisiana playboy Peach Weil just did me in. After spouting a baldfaced lie, with a snap of his chin, an odd little grin and a scratchy voice, Peachy would then deliver his gem of a signature line, 'What do you think?'"

Jamie Smith Cantara
Austin American-Statesman

War of the Roses

"The ensemble's most powerful actor, Michael Miller, reprised his performance in the most forceful role, the hunch-backed Richard III. If anything, Miller has matured into the character's full potential, twisting his fine features into a monster's face, employing all the tones in his voice to make Richard into a many-sided human."

Michael Barnes
Austin American-Statesman

"Miller, reprising the role of Richard III which he played in the original production, delivers a particularly potent and powerful performance."

Jeanne Claire van Ryzin
Austin City Search


"Miller is, quite simply, magnetic as the man who wants to bite the necks of those who can feed him."

Adrienne Martini
Austin Chronicle

A Streetcar Named Desire

"Michael Miller's outstanding performance creates a Stanley Kowalski...who is sincere and simply misunderstood by Blanche."

Adrienne Martini
Austin Chronicle

Picasso At The Lapine Agile

"Michael Miller is convincing and engaging as the less than wacky and soon to be famous Albert Einstein."

James Garcia
Texas Triangle

"Michael Miller's Einstein stands out. He gives the eccentric theorist a sense of humor, optimism and displays male pride."

Jamie Smith
Austin American-Statesman

"Michael Miller's Einstein is endearingly foggy, as if lost in a cloud of mathematical equations..."

Robert Faires
Austin Chronicle

Sherlock Holmes

"...the cast is well rounded and includes stand-out performances by Michael Miller..."

Adrienne Martini
Austin Chronicle

"Director Michelle Polgar was fortunate to draft the capable services of Bernadette Nason, Michael Miller, and David Jarrot in supporting roles."

Michael Barnes
Austin American-Statesman

"...Michael Miller and Bernadette Nason in amusing, idiosyncratic performances..."

Jamie Smith
Austin American-Statesman

Baltimore Waltz

"Michael Miller, who plays several doctors and lovers, must switch characters in a matter of moments. Because the roles are brief, it's quite useful that he makes them stereotypic. Not only does this make for solid characters, it adds humor to the show."

Roberta Penn
Seattle Post Intelligencer

Iowa Caucus

"Director Joe Turner Cantu's student ensemble fleshed out the six eccentrics uniformly well, but special note should be made of Michael Miller's haunted German refugee."

Michael Barnes
Austin American-Statesman


"Michael Miller was damask-smooth as the romantic young soldier intoxicated by Ireland."

Michael Barnes
Austin American-Statesman

"Especially captivating are Christina Sauer and Michael Miller...he has a memorable moment reflecting on his state and how he came to the place and came to love it; it's full of wry, self-deprecating contemplativeness, and it's one of the best things I've seen him do."

Robert Faires
Austin Chronicle


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