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HiddenWorld Tips and Tricks

Does HiddenWorld have your mind boggled yet? Death Knoll have you frustrated? I've been there, friends, and rest assured that it only gets harder. But, you are one of the lucky few, for here I have provided you with all the knowledge experiance has provided me. Below are just the FAQs, and some tips and tricks. If you have a question, or know of something that needs to be added, just drop me a line.

How can I create a character?
What are the differences between races/classes?
Where do I need to go?
How do I gain a level?
Dorm vs. Inn
What are the teams for?
What is city control?
Fighting in the team corner
How can I be on a team?
What is an NPC?

How can I create a character?

Believe it or not, many people have been confused about creating a character and what many of the things mean, so let me try to clear up some of the confusion. On the main page, there is a link saying RPG. If you click that screen, it takes you to the login screen for what appears to be existing players. However, if you log in here, it takes you right on in and allows you to create a new character. However, there is something to be reminded of. The login name, and password that you provide are both case sensitive. Though its not required, its a good idea that both your login name and character name be the same, simply because you can remember it easier. Its also a good idea to have a simple password, but not so simple that someone could guess it.

Once you get in, its going to ask you for several things to begin with. The character name, race, class, alignment, gender, and a place to enter your email address. Even though its not necessary right now, its a good idea to add your email address here, as it could be very useful later. When you are ready, just click to generate some stats.

What do all the stats mean? To be honest, most of it means nothing. There are two things that you are going to want to pay attention to. One, is the number beside strength, and the other beside hitpoints. A lot of newbies get frustrated here, because they cant get a good balance between the two, and eventually settle for higher hitpoints. In the beginning, that seems a good idea, but as your character levels up, you are going to gain more hitpoints. I settled for higher hit points, and now realize that higher strength would have been a ton better. So you think it out. More strength, or higher hitpoints?

Once you are happy with your character, select keep this character, and it will take you on to the town map. Keep your eyes open, and good luck.

What are the differences between races/classes?

In all truth, your race doesnt mean much. There are all the usual races, but most dont really have an advantage over the others. So, unless you have a peculiar desire to be a gnome or a dwarf, just stick with human.

There are four different classes you can choose from. A class is simply what profession your character has chosen. The most common of these, however, are fighters, and I strongly recommend them for first time players.

The fighter doesnt use magic at all. He can use all weapons and armour, and has a better defense, and stong offensives. Generally higher strengths will do better for fighters.

As typical of most fantasy RPGs, HiddenWorld does feature a mage. All mages will know the same spells (eg. magic missile, ect.), and though they are weak to begin with, will grow in power as they climb levels. Mages can use weapons, but their skills are quite limited in that type of combat

Priests are either good or evil, as you chose when you picked your alignment. The spells are going to vary with the alignment, and Ive heard that some get devastating. Ive not played the priest before, and rumor has it that you can resurrect your team mates for free after level seven. I dont know for certain, so let me know if you find out!

The rogue is a bit of a mystery to me. Ive not played the rogue, but it would seem as if he can use a combination of the mystical talents of both the mage and priests. AS has been said, the rogue is stronger with a sword than either the priests or mages, but doesnt cast the spells quite as well. A nice combination of the other classes, and also a good place for the beginners.

Where do I need to go?

Once you finally get to the town map, a lot of people wonder where to go from there. To begin with, you have fifty gold pieces. The best thing to do, is buy a weapon (all shall bow to the mighty power of...the stick), and I suggest that you spend some of your remaining money on some healing potions from the magic shop. Each potion returns five hit points. After that, go on in to the forest, and try your hand against the snakes and wolves and whatnot. I promise, they arent as easy as they look. You get fifteen forest fights per day, and at the end of it, I suggest you have at least five gold to get a room in the Inn.

Also, its tempting to use a lot of your money to buy healing potions to keep while you sleep incase attacked, but DONT. To start with, leave any extra money in the bank so that you can gain intrest on it. I know it seems strange, and that you would rather not be killed, but killed or not, your money still gains interest.

Eventually, you want to buy armour, and better weapons. You can find these goods in the armour and weapons shops, respectively. For magic users, you learn all your spells from the magic shop. Also, be sure to go to church daily. You can gain money, and or experiance points from your god for worshiping them.

How do I gain a level?

As you fight creatures and eventualy other characters, you will notice that along with gold, you gain in something called experiance. That number will increase each time you kill something, and will decrease every time you are killed. Once you hit a preset number, you will advance to level two, ect. Your hitpoints will increase, sometimes dramatically, you will gain more mana if you are a magic user, and then the enemies get tougher. If you are killed, and your experiance points are set back to before that preset number, you arent sent back to the previous level, however. You just make up the points and move on.

Dorm vs. Inn

For as long as Ive been playing, this is probably the question I get asked most frequently. When finished playing for the day, you have two options. One, you can spend a bit of cash for a room in the Inn. Though you may still get killed, having at least a first floor room will divert a lot of the danger away from you to someone else. This way, higher level characters cant kill you so easily. Your other option is to leave town. This puts you in the dorm and in immediate danger, seeing as how you become fair game to everyone.

What are the teams for?

As your player progresses, you will end up making friends, and its only more fun if you can join a team with those friends. However, there are some serious downsides to start with. Any character on a team can attack another character, no matter what level, if they too are on a team. So, it is advised not to join a team until you know you are strong enough to fight off other players that would attack you for the experiance points.

What is city control?

As teams grown in strength, they fight against one another, trying to prove themselves as the strongest gang in town. For one who can hold the city through the night comes a reward; a cash prize based on the team strength. To claim city control is easy, but to hold it is much more difficult. Simply kill all the members of the ruling team, and then click the button that says "claim city control" in the team corner. Its as easy as that, and should you try it, I wish you all the luck in holding it through the night, especially against my team ;-)

Fighting in the team corner

Though you can pay money to kill someone in the Inn (says a lot about the innkeeper....), there is also another way that many people overlook, and at times, its a heck of a lot cheaper. If the character you want to kill is on a team, then you can attack that team, and kill that player by going to the team corner, and using the team fights. On the team corner screen, its the section just below where it gives you info about your own team, or allows you to create a team. From the drop menu, select attack, and in the one next to it, select which team. It will take you on in, and ask you who on the team you would like to kill, assuming that there are no characters from that team online, and that there is someone to kill. Unlike the Inn, it does not matter which level the two in combat are on, so therefor it is advised not to team until you are ready to handle player challenges. Also note, that if you use the team fights, there is no "run away" or flee option. It is, in every sense of the phrase, a fight to the death.

How can I be on a team?

There are two ways that you can be a member of the team, though for newbies, I would say that only one of these is very likely in most cases. First, you could ask to join an already existing team, but do not be discouraged if those on the team wont let you on at first. Sometimes it takes proving yourself before you catch their attention. This does NOT mean, however, to repeatedly pester those on a team to allow you on. That only leads to annoyed team members, and could damage your chances of being on their team in the first place. My advice to you, if you truly want to be on a team, is to create your own. Thats really the best thing to do, and it could only be temporary as you climb the ranks. On the team screen, under the list of teams, is an option to create your own team. Select team name, password, and voila! You are on a team. Remember, only five members to a team.

What is an NPC?

In order to make game play more interesting, there have been included Non-Player Characters (NPC). Simply, the NPC are played by the computer, revived each morning, and sit in either the dorm or Inn, waiting to be killed.(No, they DO NOT attack you on their own. You must attack them to engage them in a combat) They are generally formidable foes, and are a good sourse of experiance points, and/or gold. You fight them the same way as you would all other players -- by either bribing the innkeeper, attacking them through the team fights (however, not all NPCs are on a team yet), or attacking those asleep in the dorm. At the moment, there are five NPC: Micaelia - level nine, Degavano - level five, Dopher - level four, Marche - level three, and Conetern - level two. More will probably be added as the game progresses.
