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Praise Reports

Help me JESUS!!

Melody was competing at the CTYRA Finals
when her horse tripped and almost fell.
Praise God her horse got his feet back under him
and she was able to complete the run.


Kirby recently won bullriding champion at the CTYRA finals.
All of us at BCC are so blessed to have such a great and
caring person "That Rides For The Lord"
and gives glory to God, to fellowship with and just be friends.
2Timothy 1:3
I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience the way my forefathers
did, as I constantly remember you in my prayers night and day.

Stanley and Sherry celebrated their
25th wedding anniversary
with BCC on May 31st.
We wish them many more!

Holly has became bold
and signs for Jesus
and us now and then.
What a blessing to have
the young involved.

Pastor Jeff Young and Jay
were able to Praise the Lord
at Sonora Church Camp in June.
A good time was had by all!

Sonora Church Camp was put
on by Cowboy Church of the American West.
Monty and Susan Price
did a wonderful job hosting
the event for the Lord.
Jay Adams and
Leanne Price at camp.

The Cashion Family
has been a great joy to all of us.
Lonnie IS anointed with
the voice of The Holy Ghost!!!!
They are expecting little Sarah
August 13th.
Praise the LORD!


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