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History of

Belton Cowboy Church

Belton Cowboy Church was founded in March, 1998.
The Heavenly Father brought it there and found our place of Worship.

Three men from Brazos Valley Cowboy Church,
what we consider our home church,
knew there was a need in Belton to save souls
and give people a unique place and way to
Paise the Lord. Their names are Jeff Young,
Bobby Davis and Leon Bard. One Sunday afternoon,
they were led to Belton to find our Church.
They checked on several different leads
and the God lead them down I-35 to the OxBow Restruant.
The restruant is the old auction barn
in Belton, now a very country cowboy restruant.
The restruant was closed, but they got out of their truck and said
"We know this is it Lord!"
and laid hands on the side of the building
and asked the Lord for the use of it.

Not knowing who owned it or anyway of finding out,
God rode in and lead the way.
Across the street is a convience store that
they proceeded to go ask if they knew who owned it.
They didn't! But God was riding with them
for they had asked Him too.
A police officer came through the parking lot
and they flagged him down and asked the question
"Who owns the restruant?"

Within 10 minutes, they had the name, number,
made the call, meet the owners
and had nailed down the use with No charge every Monday night.
Our hearts, blessings and thanks
go out to the owners, Bobby and Lynn Glover
for the use of our Church! We believe that is why Cowboy Church
is held in barns, at rodeos in the arenas,
stands and behind the chutes, auction barns,
pastures and even restruants. God will be there
no matter where you meet if you ask Him in!

Jeff Young then proceeded to work at building the
church up and getting it started with his
Holy-ghost filled preaching that would touch
every heart that came to that (restruant) CHURCH.
He is and was God sent to Belton.

We are very humbled that the Heavenly Father
comes through the door every week and visits us
there. We teach and preach from THE BOOK
and have a spirit filled happy time.
We never know what or who will be there
but God is always there with us.
We always have a spirit filled, happy time
for God provides and takes care of His faithful!
The next page will give you a listing
with a little information
about some of the people
that we have been fortunate enough to have come
to church and share the word with us.

We have had a great blessing of bringing an abundant
group of people to the Lord.
We have baptized 26 people in the parking lot
in the traveling horse trough.

We are trying to provide a place of worship for the lost
that for what ever reason do not feel
as though they can go to a conventional church.
In the last 14 months, we have had over 120 families
come through the door. We know that
God brings them in a little at a time
for the Upper Room
that we meet in is small. They grow and are able to move on.
We believe we are the planters of the mustard seed
and give them the faith, courage and strength
to Cowboy Up and carry on!

Our dress is jeans and T-shirts,
shorts and tennis shoes,
or as they say, come as you are.
We don't worry about that, we want you to wear Jesus
on the inside.
We are only there for one reason:

If, NO not if, when you come to Belton, Texas,
please come to church,
get a drink and join us. You don't have to be a Cowboy,
but us cowboys and girls
will welcome all. We at Cowboy Church will be humbled
for your coming and remember,,,
He is coming back on a white horse!

God Bless You!!

Phil. 4:4

Just a quick note to say THANK YOU
to PKaye for all of her help in getting this site
up and running. She is truly a blessing.
Love you Sis!!!!

Belton Cowboy Church Favorite Links Page
Praise Reports
Time With God!
Baptism Page!
