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Jasen's Home Page

This is Heather payne and I

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A list of all my friends here at Navarro College. (If I have left anyone out Im sorry it wasn't intentional)

To name a few:
Stefanie Zapletal, Steven Liles, Snoop, Cindy Slovak, Jennifer Lewis, Matt Wilbanks, Brent Buffalohead, Susan, Black Mike, Black ET, Jaimie, Eric, Josh Palmer, Josh Turner, Jeana, April, Amy Candy, Tim Lawrence, Samuel Vandeventer, Heather Pain, Aurthor, Emilia Cummings, Cole, D'Andre, Showstopper Becky, Susan York, Seth Turgeo, Leanne Hebert, Tony Pena, Eric Wilson, Charles Holifield, Andy Kuykendall, Erin Armstrong, Rusty Conger, Jenny Carver.

updateAn Indepth Look at Jasen!update

The Love of my life's Page!

Pictures of my friends and I

More pictures of me and my friends

Doosu's web page is finally here!!

Artistic Gallery
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