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Indepth Look at Jasen

I am a college student at Navarro College in Corsicana Tx. I am 23 yrs old, and Gay. I guess what Im using this page as, is a helping tool for me...much like therepy...And maybe in trying to help my self I can help some else. Not that Im pyscho or anything but I believe that we should all have some type of therepy if not we may just lose our minds all together.

This town is a very small conservative Southern Baptist town. I have had many hardships here. I had that American Dream of going off to college. I figured I would live in the dorms and do all the things that are supposed to happen while living on campus. But thats not what happened. I got here, and was ostrasized from everyone. Thats about when I meet Aaron. He was soo nice to me and didn't seem to care what I looked like or how I acted he was my best friend, and more. When my relationship with him grew all my worries about the problems that I was having about being here at Navarro College, seemed to disappear. But then Aaron

I made some new new people, and started to have the time of my life...I started to hang out with Samuel Vandeventer,Charles Holyfield, and Andy Kuykendall...For the longest time sice I have been here at Navarro I have never felt such immense friendship from anyone. But as everyone in my life does...they moved on. But during this entire escapade of a life that is mine...I had one true to the heart friend. That was Stefanie Zapletal. She has to be the most beautiful person both on the inside and on the out, here at Navarro College. I can only wish that all of you had someone like her in your life.

It is almost Graduation here at Navarro College. Every one is getting ready to move on, to go back home, and do all that comes with Graduation. I my self will not be coming back to Navarro College. My plans are to go home for the summer, get a full time job and maybe attend the second summer session at San Antonio College. Yes I am originally from San Antonio. But I look back at my year here in Corsicana, (rechet little town) but as I stroll down memory lane. I begin to feel a little sad. For I HAVE spent the last 9 months here and even though my American Dream never came true. I can at least say that I am walking away with some insight at how small towns work, how the people behave. And I can walk away with the knowledge that despite what hardships, ostrazisms, and ridicule that I have gone through it wasn't in vain. I came out with one beautiful friendship. Thank you Stefanie. With all my heart thank you.

Well this is it. Its the end of the Semester already, everyone has gone on to there seperate ways. I can only remember when I first got here and didn't know anyone. And know I'm blessed with so many friendships. So to those of you whom I personally know, I wish you the best in all your endeavors.

update Alright, well the summer has passed an soo much has happened to me. Well As I may have stated earlier I was to go to the University of North Texas. Well Im not there. I was unable to come up with enough funds to pay the $300 dorm deposit, do to the fact that I was living with my father at the time and he was evicted from his apartment, well when this happened he wanted me to live with him in the back of his truck, so when he propositioned me with this I turned to one of my best friends for help. Bobby, he allowed me to stay with him in his home, and I have been blessed in staying there ever since. So now Im currently going to school at San Antonio College, ugh!, I hate being back at yet another Jr. college. But Its not all bad I have made plans to move to Houston Tx, and attend the University of Houston. Yes I have applied sent my transcripts and I have paid the $300 dorm deposit, and applicatoin fee, so know Im just waiting for January to come and Im outta San Antonio forever.

Now that is not all that has happend. I mentioned Stefanie Zapletal in an earlier chapter of my life. I had said many wonderful things about her and they all remain true. But you know how some people can change almost over night. Well she did. Basically the story goes...I was to go visit her at her dorm at the University of Texas in Austin...and the night before she cancels and tells me that her parents want her to come home for the I had already purchased my tickets to get there, and then go on to Houston to see Aaron, So as you can see I was very angry because I was now out a few bucks. So ok I can get over that. Then this past weekend (9-4-99) she was to come and visit me and pick me up from work at 6:30pm on I naturally making sure things were still as planned called her dorm and got her roommate Summer. Summer proceeds to tell me that Stefanie has left to Ennis (thats where she's from) so I was like wooo did she leave a message for me? And to my surprise she hadn't so if I had never called her dorm and found this informatoin out I would have been waiting at my work for her to pick me up all night long and thinking the worst, you know she's dead or whatever. So I decided to call her at her parents house where they told me she was in the shower to call back in 10 minutes, so I did and everytime I called they either picked up the phone and immidiately hang it up or just let the machine pick it up. So what would you have done? Me? I ended the friendship with out a tear. I dont tolorate people like that. So she is now out of my life forever. And will never be spoken of again!!

Ok Whats New with Jay/Jasen....Well Now I'm Living in Houston Tx, and attending the University of Houston...I live with my bestfriend Aaron Blinka. Basically the only thing new besides the fact that I know longer reside in San Antonio is that I live with Aaron and I know longer keep in touch with those I went to college with...which is very sad because I always thought that, that was the place that you were to meet some of the friends that you would have forever...but as I have found out the hard way it isn't the case. Its not cuz I haven't tried, I mean I have emailed almost everyone that I wanted to keep in contact with but they never emailed me I basically gave up. Stefani Zaplital...I don't know about I mean I have tried to keep in touch with her and I have made ample attempts to go see her and get her to come and see me but every time she has cancled on me and given me some kind of excuse as to why the meeting can't happen. I am now in a new venture...trying to make the living situation work between me and my bestfriend...I mean I'm a very sensative person that needs lots of attention and he knows that but it doesnt seem to phase him...right now all he can think about is his boyfriend Jay...yes his name is also Jay...But my new saying now-a-days is "Its Whatever"...I have lots more to say just very little time to write it till the next time I'm able to fill you in.

Love always,
Jasen Escalante