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John's Whiskey Bar

Hi, my name is John and this is my homepage. I'm originally from Dallas, Texas, the greatest state.I am a student at Arizona State University.This summer 2001 I will be interning for Merril Lynch in Washington D.C. where I will work more than I ever have in my life.Oh boy!.Being from Big-D I actually don't like the Cowboys to many people's surprise.I do however like the Rangers and Stars.Well time for me to go, I need to make myself an alabama slamma! Drink up and enjoy the show!

The Rangers are really screwing up so far this year even with A-Rod in the lineup.Oh and look at this the Mariners are in 1st place playing without A-Rod.What does that tell you!I have said all along, you win with pitching not hitting. Dumb mofo's.

I have new pictures now in the last folder of the Photo album!

Photo Album these are taken from my visits to Vegas and Italy.Some new ones from my NY trip.Always updating this.

Favorite Drinks

  • Jack and Coke,Kamikaze,Alabama Slammer,Sex on The beach
  • Fat Tire,White Russian,Michelob/Light,Miller Light
  • Jagermeister,Captain,Strong Bow Cider
  • Long Island Iced Tea,Mudslide

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