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The Ledels, Italian Style!

Aug 2005 Well, another year. The first in year in our own home. Well its been great. Richard will retire in May. I started working full time in October for a Pharmaceutical benefits management company, Express Scripts.

Earlier this month Anthony attended the National Boy Scout Jamboree. Matthew is really into Karate and had a great school to go to here in Kingsland. Erica is anxiously awaiting the night when the 8th graders play with the high school marching band. We've added two parakeets, buried one of the gerbils and adopted a rat terrier from the humane societs. The cat is Pronta and the dog is Bella. Pronta was really unhappy that we added a dog to the family. But now he is having fun getting the dog to chase him, and then hissing and hiding. One day the dog will realized that she too can fit under the bed and follow the cat into the hiding place.

Sept 2004 We are now in Georgia!! Bought a house, found a cat, life in a small southern town! Not too shabby!!!

My 2004 Well we are almost done with Washington thank goodness. We will be going to Georgia this summer. Time to live someplace closer to Texas. September 2003 Wow , we've been here a year already. Its not so bad, but its not home, Italy or Texas. Life is good, the kids are growing. Rich's boat is in the yards, and so he is busy as ever, lots of shift work, what a nightmare that is. And I'm an independant contractor for mystery shopping companies and merchandising firms. I really like it. Its fun to go shopping and watch how things are done and then go home and answer questions about it. I really like the dining shops, our meals are usually covered, so we get to eat out for free , after about 6 weeks that it takes for the companies to pay me. Nothing like a free dinner date for me and Rich.

June 27,2002 Well, we are back in the USA. My goodness do we really need all the stuff we sell in grocery stores?? or is it just culture shock after 4 years in Italy? I'm still jet lagged , traveled for about 28 hours to get here. Wonder where you can get a good coffee at here??? LOL

Good Friday 2002

Well , time has flown by so quickly. We are all packed out now. Rich is on the USS Houston in the yards in Bremerton. And we will head up there after school is out here. But we still have time to enjoy the sping and a few weeks of summer, if spring will just hurry up and get here soon.

Dec 30, 2001

How times flies. we have just 6 more months on my favorite island. The time we have had here is something we will never experience anywhere else. It has been wonderful, peaceful, frustrating and an excellent adventure.


Well, life here is truly in the old country style. Old water pipes, mean we drink bottled water, and the kids take flouride tablets daily. We are lucky that in housing all bills, except the phone, is covered. Because the price of electricity and heating oil is extremely expensive. There is internet access here , but the phone call costs each time, so access is cheap, but using it can add up!

In the summer time it ROCKS! Lots of sun and since its an island, beaches all around us. However they are not like the beaches in the States. Mainly rocks and lots of little pebbles on most of the beaches. So summer time here is terrific, and the water is so beautiful. Prettier in real life than on the post cards you see of the Mediterrean.

We are all enjoying the more relaxed life style here. There really isn't the hustle and hurrying around here most of the year. Summer time is different, nearly 50,000 tourist are here in June-August. Then again there is no McDonald's when you need a happy meal . The closest one is on the next island, Sardinia. It takes a 20 in ferry ride, then another 40 minute drive to get there. So going to Olbia, where McD's and the airport are is an all day trip, because once you get off this little island you want to stay away for a while.

And we still love it like always. The kids are growing, and getting busier, and having more fun. And so that makes me busier also. However, living here is so safe, and so carefree for the kids that I really don't want to leave. And when we do I will want to come back as soon as possible

ciao for now


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