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hooliganj's Translations


6/29/06: Well, I haven't worked out all the details yet, but I don't have any other options in front of me, so I may as well announce the new project - Boku no Marie aka My Dear Marie. A young mad scientist in the making creates an android copy of the girl he has a crush on, but from the get go she isn't quite what he expected. College romance, rivals, robots and plenty of chaos make up this entertaining title by Takeuchi Sakura. Look forward to it.

6/7/06: Once again, I've gone a prodigious length of time without an update. Not long after my last update, both of my planned manga titles, Mirai no Utena and Read or Die, were licensed for distribution in North America, and even though I don't believe I am even a blip on the radar of these companies, I nevertheless followed the fan translator's code and ceased my own work.

Shortly afterwards I fell in with the rowdy crowd over at Saizen Fansubs, helping them translate anime episodes of Wild Striker, Eyeshield 21, and Major. That has recently ended, and I had planned to start a new manga title, Gunsmith Cats Burst, only to discover that it has also been licensed. I can't keep up with the pro companies.

So, here I am ready to try again. I have a new title in mind, but I will have to make a few other things work out first, so I can't post it up just yet. In the meantime, I promised to post "something" in my last update, and it's finally ready to go. In my spare time I take the trouble to translate the occasional anime theme song that catches my fancy, and since I have a small and growing collection, I may as well place them here. Best of all, I shouldn't ever have to take them down.


Boku no Marie

aka My Dear Marie
by Takeuchi Sakura

6/29/06: Work has begun on volume 1 chapter 1.

Anime Theme Songs

General Listing

6/29/06: Added the TV edit of Blaze Away.

Old news and projects
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