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This picture was taken in McAllen Texas on April 12, 2000. It is a date that will forever live in my mind as it was the first time i saw Danzig in concert. Danzig is my all time favorite band and so you can imagine how excited i was to be there. This is by far the best concert i have ever been to not only because it was Danzig but because it was that good.

This shot tells you how close i was to the stage. I can't say that the place was packed for this concert because it wasn't. Roughly about one thousand people made it to the show. The security guards at the door told us we couldn't take cameras in but i wasn't going to take no for an answer. After two unsuccesful tries, me and my friend Juan finally sneaked his camera in. Although the camera was now nasty smelling, i finally got to take some rare pics. When you really want something and you do whatever it takes to do it, it really pays off in the end.

Here you can see Glen flexing his muscles for another installment of heavy kick ass tunes. If you're a big fan like me, there is definately nothing better than seeing Danzig live and in the flesh. You can't help but to enjoy every minute. I did'nt want the show to end but it had to end somewhere. This concert lineup also had an up and coming band called Disturbed which i think will make it big soon.

Those of you familiar with World Championship Wrestling may know who this is. She is ex-Nitro girl "Whisper". This picture was taken at a WCW ticket promotion in San Antonio Texas. "Storm", aka "Paisley", was also there signing autographs. Did you know that Whisper happens to be married to World Wrestling Federation superstar Shawn Michaels..aka.."The Heartbreak Kid". See, who ever said that the WCW and WWF can't get along?

This is another shot of Whisper. A rather awkward shot would'nt you say? I was in line waiting to get my autograph so i decided to take a picture. The result is this view you see here. Im glad she never saw me though cause she might have thought i was a pervert or something. I mean hell, they are the ones showing off their skimpy clothes. Is it my fault that i just so happened to have a camera with me? I don't think sooooo.

This picture was taken at Ozzfest99. This is when Slipknot got their first major gig. Not too many people knew them back then but man, they left a lasting impression. They were fast and they were heavy, which was all i needed to get hooked. I took some pictures so i could brag about how i saw them when they first started out in case they ever made it big. Well, look at them now!

This pic is from Lolapalooza 97 in Corpus Christi Texas. This tour featured such acts as Tool, Prodigy, and Korn. Korn ended up not playing because Jon Davis got sick or something. My very first chance at seeing Korn and they postpone. Man, what wusses. Anyway, i did get to see some good stuff. This here is the infamous gangsta rappa Snoop Doggy Dogg. The chic next to me was giving him the finger cause Snoop was being rather vulgar. He called us motherfuckers numerous times and he even smoked pot on stage. Can you believe this guy? What a thug! :)