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Here is a picture of the Beaman girls and Ken Bethea (from left to right: Ellen, Ken, Lilia, Libby). What can we tell you about Ken? He taught 6 weeks of high school English once, drove a Coke truck at one point, and started playing guitar at age 17. One of his favorite guitarists is Angus Young and he hates the paper tubes in toilet paper and paper towels more than anything. Well, more than Spam at any rate.

And here is our friend Philip. We don't know much about Philip: he's a very mysterious person. What we do know, though, is that he is rumored to have webbed toes. The drum kit you have probably seen him play he's had since he was a tyke of about 10 or 11 years. He likes (loves) video games just like the rest of the crew, and in case you've never seen them on him, he wears glasses. Black ones. Just like my junior high woodshop teacher's.

This is Murry, our favorite bass player on two legs. He will try to deny it, but he was once visited by aliens. Don't give him Spam because he'll try to put it in his CD player. He also wears glassesand loves the Dallas Cowboys. He wrote and sings W. Tx. Teardrops, one of our all time favorite songs. Not only that, but he wrote one of the songs on the 97s/Waylon Jennings disc, soon to be out in the next millenium. By the way, he's not walking on the wall, he's just so tall we had to put him side-ways to fit him on the screen.

Say hello to Rhett (we'll pretend he can hear you). At the age of 17, Rhett here recorded a record written and performed almost entirely by himself (Murry played on it too). Don't mention it to him though. And don't try to get him to perform anything off it either. Oh, and just in case you were wondering, his glasses are not black, but a smoky transparent blue. They also look exactly like the glasses I wore in elementary school, but for some odd reason, look much better on him than a buck toothed 6 grader. Go figure.

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