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::Mad Poetess::

Title Rating Summary Spoiler Status
A Long Time NC-17 Xander's POV. Xander and Spike are together, Xander's immortal (not with a capital I--no Highlander crossovers here), but there're a few nasty clauses that go with the gig. A big old sweeping life story thingy. Through "Restless" and "To Shanshu in L.A." plus vague andmostly unconfirmed spoilers for Season 5 Finished
Dyeing Young R Meetings in the hair-dye aisle..... none finished
A Part of This Complete Breakfast Nc-17 Just another lazy morning with Xander and Spike... Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
All This Time R Drabble challenge. A moment of Spike-POV on A Long Time. none finished
The Dance PG-13 Spike gets drunk and naked. Xander gets aroused and confused. Anya jumps for joy, and there's a machiavellian hand behind it all. (When isn't there, in Sunnydale?) Set post Season Six. General through S5 finished
Reflections NC-17 Xander reflects. vaguely post-Wrecked future finished

::Thick and Thin Series::

Title Rating Summary Spoiler Status
Dangerously Thin R Angel angst. none finished
Thick Headed R Spike snarkiness. none finished
Stuck In The Middle  R Xander Mush none finished

::Getting Bent Series::

Title Rating Summary Spoiler Status
Beer....Questionable NC-17 Beer Bad: What If Xander. Depress underage bartender, tried the beer? Bad Xander BtVS: In the Harsh Light of Day; Beer Bad; Angel: In The Dark finished
Wilder Then You Think NC-17 Xander really doesn't want to get Spike's duster dry-cleaned, Spike really doesn't want to get zapped with a Taser and dragged off to Dr. Walsh's wet dream, and he ain't all that happy about having Xander on the brain either. Oh yeah, Oz and the were-whore... Xander makes some discoveries about himself, and things go a 
little differently
Wild at Heart finished
Taking The Initiative NC-17 Xander's worried about Spike, but he's getting on with his life (sort of)-- which includes some changes. Spike discovers a few changes of his own, when he escapes from the Initiative bunker. The Initiative Season 4 unfinished

::Domestic Piranhas Series::

Title Rating Summary Spoiler Status
Bewildered PG-13 Spike. Darkness. Stuff happens. Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Another Fine Mess NC-17 Spike and Xander are trapped in the dark. Things happen.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Sticky Situations PG-13 Spike looks for his sock. Stuff happens. A 'missing adventure.'  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Reindeer Games R Spike and Xander are sitting on the couch. Things happen.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Toothpaste R Xander and Spike go shopping. Stuff happens.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Me Xander, You Spike R Spike and Xander go to the movies. Stuff happens.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Not For Public Consumption R Wesley, Angel, and Gunn play in the pool. Morons happen.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Salad Days NC-17 Spike asks Xander a question. Stuff happens.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Why I Should Never Have Left England, By Rupert Giles R Giles, Wesley, and Xander get drunk. Stuff happens.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Consumer Affairs NC-17 Angel, Gunn, and Wesley go shopping. Stuff happens.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Best Laid Plans of Spike and Men R Xander and Spike try to plan their honeymoon, so stuff can happen.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind  none finished
Wild Thing R Spike and Xander get fitted for tuxes. Stuff happens  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Lost In Translation R Wesley gets pissed off. Stuff happens.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Bachelor Party R Xander and Spike throw, see title. Stuff happens.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
Nice Day For A Wet Wedding R Spike and Xander have one. Stuff happens. Co-written with James Walkwithwind
none finished
The Morning After R There has to be one, and Angel has it. Stuff happens.  Co-written with James Walkwithwind
none finished
The Honeymooners NC-17 Spike and Xander go off on their abba-dabba honeymoon. Stuff happens. Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
And Truth In Every Shepherd's Tongue NC-17 Wesley sends a letter from England. Stuff happens. Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished
A Gauntlet With A Gift In It NC-17 Xander redeems a gift certificate. Stuff happens. Co-written with James Walkwithwind none finished

::Chocolatey Goodness Series::

Title Rating Summary Spoiler Status
Count Spikeula PG-13 Spike is once again freeloading off Xander. Xander gets home from work. Xander wants to sleep. Spike wants Weetabix. Spike also wants to annoy Xander. Xander wants to kill Spike. Or something Through Restless finished
Peanut Butter And...... PG The afternoon after his chocolatey-good but highly confusing kiss from Spike, Xander goes shopping at the FoodMart with his employee discount.  He meets up with a certain ex-vengeance demon/ex-girlfriend, which doesn't exactly add to his level of mental stability.  Through Restless finished
Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut R Xander thinks he's going crazy, but some unexpected advice makes him reconsider. Spike thinks he's perfectly sane, but a Saturday night spent moping around the basement waiting for Xander convinces him he's gone completely round the bend. Through Restless finished
The Peanut Butter War NC-17 Confrontations. Bitching. Allergies. And that's before thepeanut butter even gets opened. Through Restless finished
Sunday Funnies NC-17 The morning after Through Restless finished
Scooby Snacks NC-17 Six boxes of Count Chocula. Marshmallows. A little oopsy about remembering to make treats for tomorrow's research party.... Two chocoholics with limited culinary skills, but a lot of creativity. Sex talk. Surprises all round. Through Restless finished
Jeopardy Nc-17 Jeopardy, Scooby-style, at Giles' place. Spike's being a right bastard, and Xander doesn't know what he did, or what he's going to do. Spike, on the other hand, knows exactly what he wants to do: rip someone's head off. Misguided, but sweet... sort of. If he were really in control. Then there's the other kind of jeopardy... where a vampire might get a chip going off in his skull if he tries giving certain pleasures instead of receiving them, and a human might freak out at the prospect of being the recipient... Through Restless finished
Pillow Talk NC-17 what the title said Through Restless finished
Homeless Nc-17 It's Fourth of July Weekend, and there's an invasion in the basement. What are Spike and Xander to do? Have sex, of course, and then get the hell out of Dodge. Through Restless finished
A Ritual Sacrifice, With Pie NC-17 On the road to L.A., and is Spike a happy camper? Nooooo, until a strange pit-stop at a diner puts him in an altogether better mood. Meanwhile, back in Sunnydale, somebody's weekend plans aren't working out, and it ain't who you think. Through Restless finished
Friends and Family NC-17 L.A. --Cordy's apartment. Catching up, catching on, catching hold. Through Restless finished
Dark Hours NC-17 In the middle of the night, as Billy Joel san after her stopped writing decent songs. Xander dreams, and wakes, and wakes up to the truth, and gets really, really scared. Through Restless finished
Talking to Him R In The middle of the night. Spike is almost asleep and Snarky Voice Number Three is having a chat with somebody Through Restless finished
Vampire Brownies NC-17 Love among the ruins. Spike cooks the food of l'amour (chocolate, of course), brings it along to the rubble of Angel Investigations, and all kinds of things happen. Through"Restless", and "To Shanshu in L.A." Definitely for "Fool For Love" and "Darla" finished
Chocolate Oranges NC-17 A picture from the past prompts Spike to tell Xander a story, one in which Spike *does* get laid, and Xander *doesn't* fall asleep.  Through"Restless", and "To Shanshu in L.A." Definitely for "Fool For Love" and "Darla" finished
Conventional Relationships R While the boys share a room with Willow and Tara at a science fiction convention, the past starts to catch up with... well, everybody. Through"Restless", and "To Shanshu in L.A." Definitely for "Fool For Love" and "Darla" finished
Pillow Fight NC-17 none Through"Restless", and "To Shanshu in L.A." Definitely for "Fool For Love" and "Darla" unfinished