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Now, I'll bet some of you are probably wondering, who the heck is this guy? Sure, he may not be that well known but believe it or not, he's been around in the Hollywood biz for over twenty years. Fans of The Waltons will remember him as "Drew Cutler" (Elizabeth Walton's boyfriend), while others know him best as "Private Daniel Purcell" from the acclaimed war drama Tour of Duty. With all the sites I've seen devoted to the other Waltons and Tour Of Duty stars, I was surprised to discover that no one had created a fan site for him I decided to make my own!

I'm still a novice at HTML programming so you'll all have to forgive me if this page looks pretty primitive. Seeing as how I'm working on it continuously, I'm hoping that it looks a little better than when I originally started it.

Rozane from the "ToD: Everlasting Lust" site, Craig Blackmore from the "HUM90 Tour of Duty Pages", Debbye from the "Tour of Duty Fanpage", Joanne from the "Unofficial Tony Becker as "Corporal Daniel Percell" Fan Site, Claudia from the "Tour of Duty Forever Club" on Yahoo, Scott Vestal, Bruce Smith, and Vincent Suit. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I could never have done it without your help!!!

Well...for anyone who's interested (as if anybody would be), I'm MALE (just so you all know), of Chinese heritage, and currently living in Toronto, Canada. Having studied film in university, I hope to someday have the opportunity to write for TV shows, or even produce my own shows and original screenplays. Aside from Tour of Duty, and The Waltons, my other favourite shows include Star Trek: The Next Generation, the second Twilight Zone series that aired on CBS during the 1980s, Law and Order, and a Canadian family drama called Wind at My Back. Being an avid comic book collector, I'm also a sucker for cartoons like The New Adventures Of Batman and Robin, Superman, The Powerpuff Girls, The Tick, and Jonny Quest, along with Japanese anime, and more adult-oriented animated shows like The Simpsons, Futurama, and South Park.

Judging by the amount of time and energy I've put into this site, you can obviously tell that Mr. Becker is one of the people with whom I'd love to work in the future! I first became a fan of his from watching Tour Of Duty when it originally aired in the 1980s. For some reason, I really thought the character he played on the show was cool. Out of the entire cast, I've always felt that "Daniel Purcell" was the one with whom viewers could best relate and sympathize; a sort of "everyman" figure if you will.

Normally, when I like an actor, I'll want to check out other things that he or she has done. In the case of Tony Becker, I started watching reruns of The Waltons and became hooked on that show as well.

My purpose in creating this fan site is to draw attention to a truly talented actor, who doesn't seem to receive as much recognition as he deserves. In time, I''ll be developing sites for some of my other favourite underrated actors!

If he ever learns about this site, hopefully he won't be offended or embarassed, as he does have a lot of fans and admirers out there. Let's hope we all get a chance to see Mr. Becker in more future film and TV projects!

This has been designed as a personal, non-profit, unofficial site for entertainment purposes only. I am not in any way affiliated with The Waltons or Tour of Duty, nor do I know Tony Becker himself (although I hope he eventually finds out about this site, if only to laugh his ass off at how pathetic it looks before suing me for slander). I do not have his phone number or e-mail address, and even if I did I would not reveal them out of respect for Mr. Becker's privacy. You can write to him at this address:

C/O Commercial Talent
9157 Sunset Blvd.
West Hollywood, California

With a few exceptions, please note that most of the pictures on this fan site are uncopywritten ones I have found on the Internet. If you see a pic that should not be here, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll remove it immediately. If you have any you'd like to share, feel free to e-mail me as I'm always looking for more! Just make sure they're not rude or obscene, as this is not meant to be a smutty or X-rated site but one of reasonable good taste. Yes, I'll bet many of Mr. Becker's female (and gay male) fans are probably moaning in disappointment, but let's just say I don't want him sending me death threats in the future!

(c) 2001 Rene Tsang

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