Magical Toothpaste

Author: Sarahvampgrl

Disclaimer: I think it's quite obvious i don't own them or i would have all you rabid fans, much like me, beating down my door to smother me with gifts and adoration. You can do that anyway if you want, but you can't get Spike. I'm keeping him chained to my bathtub and he's all mine! Ya hear me, ALL MINE!

Feedback/Reviews: Who needs reasons when ya've got heroin. (just a trainspotting quote, i'm only addicted to reviews and Spike)

Rating: NC-17 for all the yummy smut

Summary: A simple spell goes awry with lusty consequences.

Author note: I apologize for the spell wording, I was kinda stumped and I needed it to accomplish a certain result. Hey, I tried.

Willow padded down the hall and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Tara had been just stretching awake as she'd climbed out of bed and slipped out into the hall. Willow smiled groggily at her reflection in the mirror. *My girl is one hot mama* Willow thought idly as she reached for the toothpaste. She squeezed the nearly flat tube against the bristles of her ergonomic, rubber-grip toothbrush but only a dollop gooped out. Barely enough for a fresh minty clean mouth. Her expression turned into a soft pout and she checked the medicine cabinet for another tube of Rembrant Fresh and Dazzling but found only beauty odds and ends and a bottle of aspirin. She closed the mirror gently as she stared at the flat tube in her hand. Idly she began to brush her teeth with swift, minty strokes. *I'm a pretty darn tootin powerful witch. No toothpaste should be no problem for me.* She smiled softly. Determindly she closed her big brown eyes and focused her energy onto the tube as the words flowed from her lips as easily as if they were water.

What is empty, now shall fill what was gone, I'll never miss always full, so My Love without worry, i can give a loving kiss

The tube began to expand as it filled up as good as brand new. Satisfied, Willow slurped water from the palm of her hand, swished it around a bit, and spit into the sink. She smiled softly as the sleep heavy grogginess left, leaving behind a fresh, squeaky awake feeling. Her mind drifted back to Tara as she ran a brush quickly through her fire red locks. Willow couldn't wait to lay her hands back on her girlfriend and give her a good morning kiss. She swung open the door and almost bumped into a yawning Tara who covered her softly parted lips with a gentle hand as Willow let her eyes trace her cotton pajama-ed body. "Have I told you, you look hot in the morning, baby?"

"No, you told me I was hot last night, though," Tara answered, passion flashing in her eyes.

"Mmmm," Willow smilingly moaned as she leant forward and softly fused her mouth to Tara's lips.

Tara leaned into Willow, her hands landing on her girlfriends rounded hips as she felt Willow's tongue rasp against her lips, pressing for entry. She parted her lips eagerly and met Willow's tongue with a wet stroke of her own. Willow tasted of mint and the soft, sensual undertone that was the taste of Willow herself. They parted gently, their love and passion for each other wrapping around them. "What was that for?" Tara asked, her eyes still closed as she leant her forhead against Willow's.

"That was good morning," Willow said as she gently pushed by and headed downstairs. "Wait til I say good night," she said under her breath as she cleared the last step and headed for the kitchen to make some omelettes. The gang was supposed to meet here soon, but there was always time for omelettes.

Tara moved into the bathroom and reached for her toothbrush. She squeezed a generous dollop onto the brush even as she felt a warm wetness between her thighs. As she ran the toothbrush across her teeth she felt a soft odd tingling that started from her lips and wiggled down to her belly. Well, Willow always made her tingly, she thought shruggingly. She began to stroke the brush along her teeth and a wave of need rushed through her. She closed her eyes in ecstasy as her body began to rock in time with the plunge of the brush into the depths of her mouth. A hungry need filled her and pulsed from her belly, to radiate out through her body. Her forhead beaded with sweat as her breasts began to feel heavy against the soft cotton that cupped them achingly. She slurped the cool tap water noisily and spit minty froth into the basin. Not caring about the coating of froth and dripping water smearing her face, she flung the door open.

Anya lightly gripped Xander's arm as they strolled up Buffy's front walk. "Well since most of the people we know live here at least nobody will be late. I need to get to the Magic Box early and be there so I can serve the customers and they can give me money," Anya declared petulantly.

Xander sighed as he opened Buffy's door without knocking and said, "Anya, it's like, seven in the morning on a Sunday, I'm sure you're not missing a flood of customers." He glanced up the stairs just in time to see a wild eyed Tara stroking her hands across her chest as she barreled towards him. Her eyes latched onto his and she gave a lusty cry as she leapt from the fourth step into his arms." Whoa, Tara, what's wr-mmmphh," Xander sqeaked before she pressed her mouth to his and drove her tongue into his mouth.

As he felt the strong minty sweep of Tara's tongue across his teeth Xander heard Anya yell, "Hey!" Anya hadn't spent a thousand years as a demon without learning how to fight. And she hadn't become one without already having the instict to kick a little ass and not let anyone take what's hers. She grabbed Tara and began to claw, and pull hair, and yank the girl off her boyfriend. Xander felt his his blood surge to his cock as his skin began to tingle and a deep driving need pounded through his brain. He wanted Tara and Tara wanted him. He began to kiss her back lustily. Anya's mouth dropped open as she gasped with hurt and shock. With a renewed strength she wrapped her arms around Tara's waist and ripped the clinging girl backwards. Tara groped the air with outstretched hands as Xander's warm body was ripped from her. Xander surged forward and grasped for Tara as he watched her sobbing face.

Anya flung the girl as far as she could and watched with satisfaction as she slid across the floor. She waited till Tara lifted her eyes from her slumped position against the stairs and declared, " Only *I* get to do this." Then she grasped Xanders face between her hands and pressed a sultry soft kiss against his lips. She only had the chance to register the hint of the taste of mint and the kindle of a fire in her belly before she heard a loud bang.

Her eyes snapped to the sound and watched as Buffy stumbled out of her room and across the landing above. "What's all the racket? Is somebody fighting?" Buffy asked, her face gently confused as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Anya shoved Xander away, uncaring as he and Tara surged together. She raced up the stairs, her eyes wanting and lusty as she gazed at Buffy's golden hair and wide, expressive eyes. Eyes filled with shock as she watched Xander and Tara make out like lusty little love bunnies. "Do you see what they're doing?" she asked incredulously.

"Oh, God, I don't care. I just want to feel you against me," Anya cried as she wrapped her arms around Buffy, dipped her to the side and pressed her lips to the slayer's slackly surprised mouth. Buffy's eyes instictively shut and she didn't react as her body filled with immobilizing shock. *Soft. Minty. Nice.* Buffy thought flittingly before she felt a soft tingle and her lips begin to tentatively press back.

Willow slid the omelette out of the hot pan onto her plate as she heard the back door bang open. She took a bite and chewed a second before she glanced over her shoulder to the smoldering vampire who was flailing his arms to clear the air. He whipped his blanket to the floor and turned to Willow. "Where's Buffy?" he demanded.

Willow sighed and turned to set her fork down. "She's sleeping I think," Willow replied succintly. She picked up her plate and traipsed across the kitchen. She'd take the food up to Tara and they could eat breakfast in bed as they got dressed. She didn't care what Spike did with himself and she didn't say anything as he followed her out of the kitchen.

As she rounded the corner of the coffee table she came to a grinding halt, her mouth a perfect oval of shock, as the foyer came into view. Spike stepped along side her, his eyes flying up to the landing as he sucked in his breath. Willow's eyes never left the tangled pair at her feet. "What the bleedin hell is goin on," Spike shouted. Willow jumped at his voice and felt the plate slip from her lax fingers to smash against the floor.

Buffy heard Spike's English accented voice and snapped her eyes to him. Anya was pressing hungry kisses to Buffy's neck but she only had eyes for one man as the clench of her belly told her what she wanted. As she gazed at his lean form with the slash of shockingly blond spiked hair and the black leather duster swirling against his legs she felt a strong tingle burn across her skin like wildfire and a pool of moisture, begging for his thick cock, seep between her legs. Her body burned for him with a familiar heat. She wanted him with all of her being, all of her strength, all of who she was as Buffy, and all of who she was as the slayer. She firmly disentangled herself from Anya's slender arms and held the girl immobile effortlessly. "Gotta go," she said hurriedly before turning and bounding down the stairs three at a time.

"But I want to touch your breasts and bring you pleasure!" Anya called after her, the ache she felt burrowing deep inside with no promise of release as she watched Buffy race away. She plopped down on the step and began to cry tears of frustration.

Buffy gripped Spike and hauled him behind her as she ran through the house to the back door, scooping up his blanket and hurriedly covering him as she pulled him out into deadly daylight and shoved him down the nearest sewer entrance.
