Perfect Fit

Disclaimer: I think it's quite obvious i don't own them or i would have all you rabid fans, much like me, beating down my door to smother me with gifts and adoration. You can do that anyway if you want, but you can't get Spike. I'm keeping him chained to my bathtub and he's all mine! Ya hear me, ALL MINE!

Feedback/Reviews: Who needs reasons when ya've got heroin. (just a trainspotting quote, i'm only addicted to reviews and Spike)

Rating: NC-17 for all the yummy smut

Summary: A simple spell goes awry with lusty consequences.

Author's note: I've decided I think this is set in season five. BTW, Isn't every single Buffy episode AMAZING this season. It's a good time to be a Spike/Buffy shipper. In other words, it's a good time to be me. It's like Joss is writing fanfiction himself, or at least pandering to us. Don't you just love that guy? Yeah, me too.

Willow watched the thrashing tangle of Xander and Tara as they frantically groped each other and tore at their clothes. Her brain just couldn't comprehend, couldn't focus. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe. The plate lay shattered at her feet and Anya's pathetic sobs hadn't even penetrated the fog of her mind, the numb ache that prevented thought or action.

Xander pulled at Tara's soft cotton tank top as her feverish lips suckled at his mouth. She writhed against him, her body hot and swollen with desire. Her hands played across the developed muscles of his chest and arms as she moaned and rocked against his rock hard cock straining against the denim of his pants. Xander's work roughened hands found the hem of her tank and he groaned in triumphant ecstasy as he shoved his hands beneath the material and grasped her warm flesh. Tara's breast were full and soft as they spilled into his hands. He squeezed gently and Tara flung her leg over his hip, driving her swollen clit against the hard ridge of his cock. He ripped the tank over her hand and captured one rosy nipple in his hungry mouth. He suckled hard and Tara gripped his head tightly to her.

As Willow watched the man she'd once almost loved suckle at her lover's breast one emotion surged above all the others and filled her. Her anger built around her like a living flame, freeing her from her shocked stillness. "Revilismo Mannetica!" she cried out, and Xander and Tara slid apart like magnetic opposites. They gasped in shock and reached for each other desperately only to have their hands spring apart against their will. Tara's eyes filled with tears and she slumped to the floor weeping, her fists pounding the polished wood and her hips still undulating. Xander lat outstretched reaching towards her with all his might, his dark eyes filling softly and silently with heavy tears.

Willow sank to the floor, drained and heart sick at Tara's obvious distress. She couldn't think of anyone but her lover as she crawled to her side and soothingly stroked her back. Shushing her tears away lovingly, not noticing as her own fell in heavy drops.

Anya still sat at the head of the stairs, hugging her knees to her chest as she rocked back and forth, presssing her throbbing clit against the edge of the step as she closed her eyes and dreamed of stroking Buffy. Of holding Buffy's pert breasts in the palms of her hands before sliding down her taut stomach to her wet pussy. Then she'd dip her tongue down and taste Buffy's juices. She'd bring Buffy more pleasure than any man had ever given her as she'd roll her tongue languidly across her pulsing clit. Just the right speed, just the right pressure. Anya knew just the right spots to press and tease, until Buffy was shuddering against her with that transcendant moment of joy and release crashing through her. Anya moaned aloud as the images rolled through her mind and tingled across her skin. Slowly she leaned back onto the floor and shoved her hands down her panties into the soaking wet slickness of her own pussy and dreamed that now Buffy was tasting her.

"Buffy, what's goin on? Where are you takin me and why were you about two seconds away from shagging Anya when I walked in," Spike asked curiously as he let Buffy drag him through the sewers with inerring accuracy towards his crypt.

Buffy stopped and turned so quickly that Spike smashed up against her. She instantly locked her arms around his neck and looked up into his eyes with lustful sincerity and said, "I want you Spike. I wanna fuck you all night." Her body softened against him and she leaned up to lick his ear with the pert pink tip of her tongue.

"Oh, God, Buffy," Spike groaned low in his throat as he clutched her warm body against his cold hardness. "I'm satisfied. No more questions from me, luv," Spike mumbled absentmindedly as Buffy kissed along his neck before suckling on his earlobe.

Buffy reared back to meet his eyes and her voice was husky soft as she said, "I'm not satisfied Spike. I want you inside me right now."

"Never been one to disappoint my lady," Spike said as he wrapped his arm around Buffy's waist and turned to run with her to the waiting bed within his crypt.

Dawn crawled out of bed as strange noises filtered into her bedroom. She glanced at the alarm clock on her bedside table and groaned at the time. It was only 7:30 am on a Sunday. Sunday was sleepy day, not wakey at the butt crack of dawn day. She slipped on her fuzzy bunny slippers and stumbled out into the hallway. Her eyes popped wide open and her mouth gaped as she froze in shock. Anya was laying on the floor, obviously *masturbating*! If Dawn thought she couldn't be more shocked Anya proved her wrong as she shuddered and gasped, "Buffy!"

"Om my God! What the hell is going on!?" Dawn exclaimed loudly. She sideled past Anya's limp form and hurried downstairs. Xander's prone body blocked her way and she gingerly stepped over him. Willow was clutching a sobbing Tara and Buffy was nowhere in sight.

Dawn shook Willow's shoulders until the redhead turned bleary eyes to her. "Willow, what's goin on?"

Willow swiped her cheeks and looked as if the question hadn't yet occured to her, "I don't know. Tara was...and then she was crying and so upset...I didn't think...Oh!ooh!" suddenly her eyes widened and she flew up the stairs. Dawn scrambled after her and stared in confusion as Willow rushed in the bathroom and grabbed the toothpaste. Willow looked around a moment then picked up the mouthwash. "This'll do." she muttered under her breath before dashing back down the hall to her room.

Dawn stomped her foot and flailed her arms as she shouted, "Will someone tell me what's going on?"

Spike slid his duster off his shoulders as Buffy eagerly undid his belt and slid his zipper past his straining cock. His eyes drifted shut as the sensation of Buffy's hands stroking along his thick shaft washed through him.

"Spike. I've never wanted someone like I want you. It's like a fire inside me. It's in my guts," Buffy drawled languidly as she slid up his body, taking his t-shirt with her and slipping it over his head. Spike groaned and gripped her ass, jerking her up so she rested more firmly against his erection. Her breath jerked haltingly past her softly parted lips as her hooded eyes lazily traced up past his jaw, and defined cheekbones to meet his brilliant azure eyes. "You're in my blood."

The words were so softly reminiscent of ones he'd spoken to her so long ago that Spike's unnecesary breath hitched in his throat, "God, luv, don't mention blood. I'm already almost ready to blow."

Buffy giggled lightly before catching his lips hungrily and whispering, "No more talk." Spike growled against her and spun her onto the bed. He grasped the hem of the pajama top she still wore and ripped it over her head. Her warm breasts tumbled onto his chest as he lay beneath her. He stroked his fingers down her back and slid his hands down into the loose star-patterned cotton of her bottoms and gripped her ass. Buffy purred an approving, "hmmm," and rubbed her nipples against the hard corded plains of his chest sensuously. Spike felt the pebbled buds press against him and ached to know the taste of those velvety bundles of nerves. He grasped her trim waist and turned, sliding her body beneath him. He pressed licking kisses along her collarbone and up the rise of her breast to her tight, pink nipple. He suckled her deeply as she arched against his mouth. He could taste the dark essence her pounding blood lent to her skin and the soft hint of vanilla that always lingered around her.

His heavy weight between her thighs was driving Buffy crazy. She needed to feel him pressing into her, his body covering her as he brought her sweet release. Her panties were uncomfortably wet, soaking her thighs with feminine juices, as her clit throbbed painfully against the suddenly rough cotton. "Spike," she gasped as his talented mouth moved to her other nipple, "Spike."

"Hmmm?" he mumbled against her breast, his words vibrating down into the ache in her belly.

"Take off your clothes," she demanded and Spike almost chuckled at the hint of slayer authority in her voice.

Spike rose slowly above her, his eyes holding hers as he slid backwards off the bed and toed his heavy combat boots off before shoving his pants down the lean length of his legs. He stood proudly naked, his thick cock bobbing against the rippled muscles of his stomach. His body was lean and slender, but each muscle was sharply cut and corded. He leaned over Buffy and ripped her pajamas and panties off in one swift jerk. He knelt between her splayed thighs and slid the blunt head of his cock against her clit in a shallow circle. Buffy moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling until he slid into her. Spike let his cock slip into her before resisting and pulling gently back to thrust shallowly. Buffy groaned in protest and gripped his cock with inner muscles, pulling him deeply. Spike's eye's popped open, as Buffy showed him what slayer's muscles could do. He growled and pushed into her tight passage until he was buried to the hilt. Buffy sighed in pleasure and rotated her hips, pushing her clit against the base of his cock.

Spike leaned down and caught her cherry lips as he gripped one thigh and pulled it high on his hip so he could angle deeper into her wet pussy. Her incredibly wet pussy. Over a century doing every evil nasty thing a vampire could do and he had never felt anything as wet and good as Buffy was for him right now.

"Oh God, you fit perfectly," Buffy moaned as she met Spike's thrust with her hips.

"S'What I've been trying to tell ya, sweetheart," Spike moaned against her ear before sucking the tender lobe between his lips.

Buffy moaned her pleasure as his mouth sent warm tingles across her skin and the pounding length of his cock stroked her clit with each thrust. Her body hummed as the tension built and she began to moan loudly against each earth-shaking push into her. Spike smiled at the writhing girl beneath him, her golden hair splayed against the white cotton of his sheets and her head flung back as her sultry eyes gazed up at him lovingly beneath her lids. The creamy expanse of her exposed throat enticed him and he pressed an open mouthed kiss against her warm flesh. She angled her head away and he felt his balls tighten. Careful not to break the skin, he bit lightly with the slightly sharpened edge of his teeth as he circled his hips between her thighs. Buffy moaned his name and tighted her pussy around him as she came with a shudder. He groaned as he rapidly pumped into her soaked pussy and yelled her name as he climaxed and sputtered his cool semen inside her.

She clutched him close with her legs around his hips and her arms wrapped around his neck. She nuzzled into his neck and smiled languidly as she huskily demanded, "Again."

Willow finished the incantation and the mouthwash flashed a darker green before settling back to its original color. She turned to Dawn as she picked up the bottle and said, "This will counter-act the lust effect of the toothpaste and everyone will be in control of their hormones again." Her brows knit as remorse tinged her voice, "I must have messed up the spell. I guess it made everyone want the next person they saw," her eyes flitted to Dawn as she paused, sexually."

Dawn wrinkled her nose and said, "Do Anya first!" and then more concernedly, "and, where's Buffy?"

Willow looked at Dawn with horror as she remembered who else had stopped by that morning. "Oh my God!"

"As good as the bot?" Buffy asked pertly, her lips pursing as she raised her eyebrows accusingly.

"What? Oh God, it wasn't even close," his eyes widened at her murderous look, "I mean, you were so fucking amazing, Buffy! My God, I never wanted to stop fucking you, luv."

Just then Xander and Willow barreled into the bedroom. Xander looked like he was going to be sick as he turned sharply away and exclaimed, "Oh, God."

"We're too, late!" Willow cried, her big brown eyes filled with remorse. "Buffy you've been affected by a spell. I'm sooo sorry! The odd tingly, the mint, all bad toothpaste reaction. But I've got the antidote, just swish for thirty seconds and spit." Willow thrust a little bottle of green mouthwash into Buffy's hand. Buffy was still staring with wide-eyed shock at her friends literally barging in on her having sex with Spike. Embarassed, she swiftly did as she was told. She sipped the stinging liquid, swished, and spit back into the bottle.

Willow looked at her expectantly and Xander cautiously peeped over his shoulder. Buffy forced a pained smile and nodded as she said, "All better. Still naked, though."

"Oh, oh, right," Willow exclaimed, her smile supremely relieved at fixing Buffy. Willow scooped up Buffy's pajamas and jerked the sheet from the bed to shield her hurriedly dressing friend.

"Hey!" Spike yelled as he was left naked and alone. "Buffy, wait-" he called, but her friends were already dragging her out of his crypt. She cast one last sad look over her shoulder.

"Arghh," he groaned in frustration and flung himself back down on the bed throwing his arm across her eyes.
