Another Spell, Another Vision, Another Day in Sunnydale

Author: Sarahvampgrl

Spoilers: Set right approximately right now in the series so all around spoilers for this season and others past may crop up.

Disclaimer: I think it's quite obvious i don't own them or i would have all you rabid fans, much like me, beating down my door to smother me with gifts and adoration. You can do that anyway if you want, but you can't get Spike. I'm keeping him chained to my bathtub and he's all mine! Ya hear me, ALL MINE!

Feedback/Reviews: Who needs reasons when ya've got heroin. (just a trainspotting quote, i'm only addicted to reviews and Spike)

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Buffy and Spike are gonna get together. Ya know they are. And if not, well then, they will here. ;>

A painful scream tore through the house. Willow and Tara spun to the door, sharing a questioning glance before tearing out of the room in search of its source. Connor's cry joined the agonized moans and the two witches rushed into the spare bedroom. Cordelia lay on the floor clutching her head, her face contorted with pain. Tara picked up Connor from his crib and rocked him as he cried while Willow knelt by Cordy's side and tried to calm the shaking girl. "Cordy, what's wrong?" Willow cried frantically as she cradled the brunette's head in her lap.

"I'm fine," Cordy said shakily as she slowly sat up on her knees, still holding her head. Her voice became authoritative as she latched her eyes onto Tara and demanded. "You have to go. To a crypt. I saw Angel and Spike there. They need your help."

"Cordy, what was that? You looked like you were in a lot of pain." Willow asked slowly.

"Oh. That," Cordy pressed a laugh, "Just the visions. Nothing I can't handle. The powers send them to me and I use them to help Angel." Her voice ended on a perkier note, masking her pain, as pride gleamed in her eye.

"Wow, how did that.." Willow began before Tara broke in worriedly.

"Why do I have to go? Willow is the real witch. She'd be a lot more help to Spike and A-Angel if they need help." Tara rushed as she bobbed the baby gently.

"No." Cordy said decisively. "It was definitely you in the vision. Willow has to stay here. It's very important for some reason."

Willow turned to her girlfriend reassuringly and gave her an encouraging smile. "It's okay, Tara. I think we should trust Cordy's vision if it comes from the powers. They're probably just at Spike's crypt. Xander and Anya can go with you." Willow finished on an upnote looking to Cordy for assurance that the vision hadn't specified anywhere Xander and Anya needed to be. Cordelia shrugged and pulled herself up on shaky legs. "What was the vision exactly?"

Cordelia sat on the edge of the bed and closed her eyes as she thought over the fragmented details of her vision. "Well...I saw this dark musty room..and there were candles in a circle... and Spike and Angel were there..." Cordelia scrunched her nose as she imparted the bad news "and then Spike was dust."

Willow straightened up as she stared at Cordy and asked in a low, 'hoping she heard it wrong' voice', "Dust? Really?"

"Yeah. But then I got this flash of Tara and this feeling that she change it.. or something. She has to go to them. Now." Cordy said, her voice sounding stronger as she stood up and reached to take the baby from Tara's arms.

"Ok. I'll just go get Xander and Anya. Wish me luck." Tara said stoically as she leaned down to give Willow a kiss. She left the room, her long flowing skirt swishing around her legs.

Cordy sat on the edge of the bed as she smiled and cooed at Connor. The bed dipped as Willow sat beside her and reached out to stroke the baby's perfect little hand. "So...Lesbian, huh?" Cordy asked bluntly.

Willow nodded her head with her brows raised cooly as her lips curved into an amused smile at Cordy's straightforwardness.

"So what's with Buffy and Spike?!" Cordy blurted loudly, her voice stressing on Spike's name incredulously, as she turned a confused and weirded out face to a just as confused and weirded Willow.

Buffy walked slowly through the too-bright sunshiney-yellow dappled light breaking through the big front room window. "Dawn?" she called softly and jumped when the smiling girl appeared before her.

"You called?" Dawn asked brightly.

"Dawn, we have to get out of here. None of this is real." Buffy said low and seriously as she gripped her sister's shoulders and met her eyes commandingly.

Dawn's face scrunched rebelliously as she pushed Buffy's tightly gripping hands away. "Why would you ever want to leave. It's perfect now. Look." Dawn gestured to the door and Joyce walked in, tossing her keys onto the hall table. Buffy's jaw dropped as a sudden tear wobbled on her lashes as the pain and joy lasered to her heart. "She comes home every day. Like clockwork." Dawn proclaimed happily. "There's more," she giggled and grabbed Buffy's hand, dragging her into the kitchen.

Spike sat at the island table munching on chicken wings and sipping on a beer. Xander sat across from him shuffling cards as he called out, "One-eyed jacks are wild!"

Spike scoffed as he sipped his beer. "Wild cards are for nancy-boys. We're playing straight up poker tonight."

Xander nodded his head in agreement. "Who am I to question a good manly game of poker with manly beer and manly cards and nooo bridal magazines or color swatches."

Buffy crossed her arms and an amused smile curled her lips. "No blood, no kittens. This is a new look for you Spike."

Spike jumped up and threw the cards down as he grinned at Buffy and swept her into his arms, pressing a deep kiss to her smiling mouth. "Hmmmph." Buffy mumbled as she turned frantic eyes to Xander across Spike's shoulder. But Xander didn't seem to notice or care as he tucked Spike's forgotten cards back into the deck. Buffy closed her eyes acceptingly and pressed her lips to her blond vampire, feeling her body awaken and tingle at the moist intimacy of his kiss.

Spike pulled back gently, his hands sliding to her shoulders as he throatily called to Xander, "Poker night's cancelled, Xander."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Xander mumbled disappointedly as he slapped Spike on the back in passing. "Hey, Dawnie! Wanna play cards? One-eyed jacks are wild," he cajoled with a laughing smile.

Spike kissed Buffy again and her body melted against him, her breasts pillowed against his leanly muscled chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck. *When Dawn said perfect. She meant perfect.*

Willow sat across from Cordy as she listened to her describe the alternate dimension where she'd been queen and they had discovered and saved a girl named Fred. Words floated through her brain idly. Some fading away inconsequentially while others hooked together and painted a picture. It could be done. She was almost there. She almost had it figured out.

"I think that's the last part," Spike said as he surveyed the circle of candles he'd laid out on his crypt floor. "Now, you just be ready to kill this demon the minute he materializes. No goody goody hesitation, Angel."

Angel rolled his eyes. "I kill demons all the time Spike."

" too." Spike muttered distractedly before taking a bracing breath. "Right then. Let's do it." He knelt in the circle of candles as Angel melted into the shadows. He read the words aloud obediently. There was a crackle of blue light and Spike spun around as he found himself in the open air of a moonlit cemetary. A grayish hunched figure loaded with velvet sacks appeared before him.

"I can give you all your darkest desires, sir. But what do you have for me?" the demon asked as it smiled thinly.

"No need to play games with me, I know what you're all about mate," Spike broke in, his voice rolling like velvet through the night.

The demon gave Spike an appraising glance. It's eyes widened and it licked it's lips as it sniffed the air around him. "A vampire! A vampire essence would definitly be a wonderful addition to my collection. But I will honor your wish for what time you have left before you fade away." He stepped close to Spike and swept his arm to the side. Drusilla slinked out of the shadows, a struggling girl in her merciless grip.

"I've brought you a present, my Spike. You can bite and slurp now and kill like you were meant to do." Drusilla singsonged in her faraway lilting voice.

Buffy trailed at Dru's heals, a welcoming smile on her face. She circled Spike, her hand trailing across his chest and back. Dru handed the girl to the slayer who held her out to Spike and offered him the exposed throat. "I love you Spike." She declared softly.

Spike pushed down the hunger that had already vamped his face as he fought the erection straining his pants. He turned to the pleased demon at his side and growled low in his throat, "I've got my dream waitin for me out there." Then he lunged for the smug demon, who vanished in a whisp of smoke.

"Come now vampire. Spike, was it? Don't tell me this isn't your fondest dream. I can see into the forbidden corners of your heart, Spike," the demon said in a very business like voice.

"I told you, mate.." Spike ground out, spinning around to face the rematerialized demon.

"I want to make this deal work for both of us, Spike. It doesn't work if you're not willing, and I'm willing to admit I want your essence for my bag." the demon interrupted him as he shook one particularly ornate velvet sack suggestively. Then Dru was pressed flat against his back, her musical voice whispering in his ear in that old familiar way as a warm, loving Buffy kissed down his neck. Spike couldn't move, couldn't react, as the most intense pleasure washed over him.

chapter 10