A Different Girl, A Different Guy

Spoilers: Set right approximately right now in the series so all around spoilers for this season and others past may crop up.

Disclaimer: I think it's quite obvious i don't own them or i would have all you rabid fans, much like me, beating down my door to smother me with gifts and adoration. You can do that anyway if you want, but you can't get Spike. I'm keeping him chained to my bathtub and he's all mine! Ya hear me, ALL MINE!

Feedback/Reviews: Who needs reasons when ya've got heroin. (just a trainspotting quote, i'm only addicted to reviews and Spike)

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Buffy and Spike are gonna get together. Ya know they are. And if not, well then, they will here. ;>

Author's note: I debated whether to stop here but then i decided to be evil and stop this chap at a cliffhanger. Review if you want me to continue cause i won't post a new chap until I get at least one review. I'm so evil. It's Spike. He's a bad influence.

Buffy sat out on her back steps looking up at the stars. Everyone was inside laughing and reminiscing now that the danger was over but she had just wanted to be alone. Well, maybe she wouldn't mind if Spike came around, she thought, he usually did when she was feeling like this anyway, but he had been really shaken up from the whatever his dream world had been and he had disappeared into the night, as eager to be alone as she was. She wondered what it had been like for him. While she wasn't sure, she had an idea and it must have been so incredibly hard for him to resist it. Especially without a soul. Her brow puckered at the thought. Her mind had been whirling back to the soul issue lately, and the more Spike showed her his loyalty and love she began to wonder just what a soul did to a person. It obviously made a huge difference in Angel, but somehow other things made Spike the creature he was. The creature she was beginning to love.

The hairs prickled across the back of her neck, alerting her to a vampire presence. It wasn't Spike. Her body, which had so intimately known both vampires, could discern the difference between the two particular blood drinkers that meant so much to her. It was definitely Angel. She didn't say anything but turned her profile slightly towards him, acknowledging his prescence.

He made no sound as he moved down to the steps and settled near her, his jacket brushing her arm. They sat perfectly still for a moment, both looking out into the night, their thoughts turned inward. Angel broke the silence as he said softly, his eyes those of a former love, the fires gone, "I don't know what to say, Buffy."

His voice used to melt her heart, his nearness set it aflutter, and the moments with him had always seemed as if the world had been concentrated down to the five feet surrounding them. Now she wondered where Spike was and what he was doing. "I think I do," Buffy said solemnly. She cleared her throat and looked down at her hands, "I'm sorry you found us like that but I'm not sorry for what I was doing." She stole a quick glance at Angel and couldn't help but be relieved as he nodded his head in acceptance. "I was just a little girl when me met and you were this beautiful lost soul and everything was death and romance. But I'm not her anymore. And I don't think you're that lost soul, either."

"I think you're right Buffy." He couldn't resist touching her and his hand cupped her cheek gently. There was a time when Buffy would have snuggled into his hand and closed her eyes in ecstasy, but now she met his eyes evenly and smiled at the gesture. A part of her would always love him, that wasn't up for debate. "Spike is...well, Spike is Spike and I think I understand," Angel said. "He loves you."

"Yeah...i know.."Buffy answered softly, pulling away from his touch that felt like it belonged to a different life and a different girl, "He's really been here for me. He's matched me and fought by my side. I can't even really explain...So much has changed since...," Buffy said slowly, trying to puzzle out how she felt as much for herself as for an explanation to Angel.

A tiny cry wafted out to the porch and Angel's features tightened with anxiety."Go ahead, Angel, go take care of your son," Buffy said.

His eyes shone concern while his whole face showed and eagerness to go find his son in the tangle of women vying for their turn to hold the baby. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I think we're done." And the words all of a sudden seemed so much more. A different girl, a different guy, she thought again.

Angel met her eyes a moment and there was a sadness but also a distant acceptance that the words rang true for him too. He turned and walked into the house and the door slammed shut with a finality she had never quite noticed before. She turned back to the darkness and her eyes unconsciously scanned the yard, expecting to see his figure traipse out of the shadows with panther-like grace. His body dipping to one side as he approached her with his confident swagger that tightened her skin in anticipation and caused her breath to catch in her throat. But he wasn't there and she felt a tight emptiness in her stomach. *Come home, Spike...* she thought to the night, hoping her silent cry would somehow reach him.

She stood up slowly and turned, her movements loose and expectant. She lingered at the door a moment longer than necessary befor entering the loud brightness of her house. She walked across the shadowed kitchen and leaned in the doorway to the front room, not ready to join the festivities just yet. Angel held his baby cradled tight to his chest, all his attention focused on the swaddled bundle. Willow's voice at her shoulder made her jump as she said, "Angel with a baby, a family, wow."

Buffy followed Willow's gaze to Angel and the baby again lingering as she watched him turn and smile at Cordelia with genuine warmth and familiarity. There was a closeness there. As she watched the silent exchange her eyes lingered on Cordy and she said, "Yeah, I think he does."

Willow gave Buffy a funny look at the strange word choice and sucked in a deep breath as she prepared to drop a bombshell on her best friend. "I can fix him y'know."

"Huh? What?" Buffy asked in a shocked voice, her chest tightening at the thought. Her eyes filled with pain as she said in a quiet accusing whisper, "why now?"

"I don't know Buffy. I just can, though. I just know how all of a sudden, it just kinda came to me the more I held the orb of Thessula. That could be you with him. Your family." Willow said hurriedly and as Buffy looked into her big brown eyes she knew it was the truth.

*That could be me....*

