***FAMILY 1!!!***

Author: April H.

Rating: not rated yet


Disclaimer: I don't own them



It was a late Monday afternoon and the sun was begging to set outside the Crashdown Cafe. Liz was at the register staring out the window doing what Maria liked to call "Maxisizing" a cross between her ex boyfriend and fantasizing. Maria on the other hand was sitting in a booth with her boyfriend Michael. Their shift had started over 3 hours ago when they left Alex's house. Liz chuckled to herself about how she was teasing Alex to stay strong and keep the ball in his court with the whole Isabel situation. "Gee if only I took my own advice." And with that thought she turned her attention to a young girl about their age with dirty blonde hair and deep hazel eyes. She was petite like Liz but she looked like she had the tenacity of Maria. As the girl walked in she smiled at Liz and Liz couldn't help but notice how much she looked like Michael. Granted Liz didn't think Michael was the hottest alien to hit Roswell she did think that the features the girl had made her look as if she could be ... No Liz thought to herself. But the feeling Liz got off her was too familiar. Meanwhile...

Back at the Evans' Isabel paced the floor like a mad women. Trying every color she could think of for her lipstick. She was determined to make it to Alex's even if he did say he was studying and she wanted to look good in the process. Isabel heard a knock on her door "Come in it's open." Her brother Max stood in the door as if he was trying to do his best James Dean impression. Max was about 6 feet tall with warm brown hazely eyes. He features were anything from the ugly duckling story his mom use to read him when he was little. "Where you going Iz?" He asked smoothly. " Since when did my social life become your business?" Isabel always challenged her brother to a question match up and usually she won. " I am asking you where you are going because Tess is coming over later and I just wanted to make sure you didn't mind." Max's happy expression went to a more concerned one and Isabel didn't even have to notice the change before she swung around. "Excuse me but did I hear you right? Tess is coming over here?" She was shocked at this she thought and knew her brother would always be in love Liz Parker. "Yes, we are going to watch a movie, do you have a problem with that?" He replied being on the defense. "No, I don't I am going over to Alex's I'll be home later." Just as Isabel picked out the color of lipstick the doorbell rang. Max went to greet a blonde girl about a foot shorter than him. She had big blue eyes and a small line, which resembled somewhat of a mouth. "Hi Max!" she said in a squeaky voice. "Hey Tess, come on in I'll be right back." With that Max went to tell his sister that she should be careful walking around at night. Little did they both know this would be one of the longest nights of their lives...


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