“On Our Own”

Episode Ten (#1T10)

The Gang’s Lack of Light


Written By Joe Termine


Scene One:

“Weather, What Weather?”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang


[The Gang is sitting around listening to James’ new sound machine]


Katie: So, you say you invented this?

James: If by invented, you mean bought, then yes I “invented” it.

Katie: You don’t have to dumb it down for me, I’m not a child.  Can I have my sippy cup now? Mmm, num nums.

Joe: So, what does this sound machine do?

James: It makes sounds, sooooothing sounds.

[ Joe’s out cold on the floor]

John: Works well James. [ James is now asleep as well] This machine is made of people!

Katie: I think you’re thinking of Soylent Green.

John: I didn’t say that!  [ John falls “asleep” as well, only instead of snoring, he’s loudly saying “SLEEP SLEEP!”]

Katie: When in Rome. [she puts on a toga and walks around]

James: That’s not Rome, that’s Greece.

John: Actually it is Rome.

Katie: Ha, you are awake!

John: Well, all except for Joe.

Katie: You killed him!

John: That’s a pillow.

Katie: Oh, sorry.




Song: (to the same theme music as Cheers)

1. Musical Beginning

2. Sometimes you wanna go, where it is always gonna rain,

3. And you'll always be in pain.

4. You wanna be where you can see, the people are all insane,

5. You wanna go where you can be eaten by a Great Dane.

6. Musical Ending


Sequence: (corresponding line by line from the song above)

1. A view of downtown Dayboqrx, with the text "On Our Own" along the center of the screen.

2. John is seen, startled by the camera man in a supermarket, accidentally knocking over a shelf creating a domino effect, his name on the bottom of the screen.

3. James is seen in the rainy parking lot, his fingers shaped as a gun pretending to shoot at nothing, his name on the bottom of the screen.

4. Joe is seen in the rainy parking lot, chasing a sheep, he stops, smiles, and waves at the camera, his name on the bottom of the screen.

5. Katie is seen arguing with a light pole, her name on the bottom of the screen.

6. John comes running from the supermarket, mouthing the words "Run for your life."  The Gang runs as the store collapses and are chased by a pack of Great Danes.  On the bottom of the screen reads "Created by John Painting and James Achaia."


Scene Two:

“Superpowers Found; Minds Lost”

Location: The Penthouse
Characters: The Gang


John: Sure sounds threatening outside.

James: That’s just the sound machine.

John: I knew that.

Katie: Who’s been using my razor to shave their back?

Joe: That was you Katie.

Katie: Shhhh!

John: Anyway, what do you guys want to do today?

James: Katie, didn’t you say you wanted to buy a CD today?

Katie: No. [long pause] Yes.

Joe: We can always go to Skip’s CD Shack.

Katie: Anyway, I wanted to be jipped and ripped off on my CD anyway, so let’s go to the mall.

John: The mall, that means we need to take the train.

Katie: Or we can fly. [makes flying noises and wears a towel cape]

John: Or, we can ignore your comment and take the 8 train.

Katie: The 8 train?  Never heard of it.

John: We take the 8 train EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Joe: Jeez, that day sure should get itself a lovah.

John: I’m not even gonna answer that, just go bang your head on the table.

Joe: Done and done. [he hits his head]  That semi-hurt.

James: Anyway, are we going to the mall, or are we not?

John: Surprise me.

[The other three leave without him]

John: Okay, I guess we’re going.

[He walks outside to find the three of them holding a giant cake]

Joe: SURPRISE!  Happy birthday!  I ate all the icing, you can have the cake.

John: My birthday isn’t for another month.  But wow, strawberry cake!

James: No, Joe just couldn’t stop bleeding and he got it all over your cake.

Joe: There weren’t any towels.

[Katie is still wearing the towel on her back, she looks shiftily]

Katie: It’s where I get my powers from, you can’t have it!

[Katie wipes her head with the towel and throws it away]

James: You know, Joe could have used that.

Katie: He has a power, the Incredible Bleeding Man…look at him go.

Joe: I can’t see straight.

Katie: Put some cake on that, it’ll be good.

John: I need that cake for eating purposes.

James: We’ll just get another one.

Katie: Good, we may need two because he’s still bleeding a lot here.

[ Joe looks up singing “Zippidy-do-dah” until he collapses]

John: Well, we’ll stop off at the hospital on our way to the mall.

Katie: Better make it the other way around, I want my CD now!  And besides, Joe can’t lose anymore blood, he’s low on it in the first place.  And we have this thing of Kool-Aid.

James: So hospital.

John: Let’s go.


Scene Three:

“Soundtrack Shenanigans”

Location: Dayboqrx Mall at the Connection

Characters: The Gang


[At the mall, Joe has an icepack on his bandaged head]

Joe: Wow, you guys got me to the hospital fast.

Katie: Right, hospital. [she holds an empty pitcher behind her back]

Joe: And I feel full of fruity goodness, OH YEAH!  Rolling with the big man!

John: Joe, you’re smaller than all of us.

Katie: No, I’m smaller than you, I win!

James: Must you always win?

Katie: Must you always, yeah! [she walks into the CD store, leaving the other three behind]

John: Does anybody ever wonder about Katie?

James: I’m wondering, what’s Katie’s last name?

John: We do know that now.

James: Oh right.

Joe: Anyway, let’s get some CD’s.  OH YEAH!!

James: He sounds like Hulk Hogan.

John: No he doesn’t………alright, maybe a little.

[they all walk into the CD store]

Joe: Ooh, look at this CD.  Vitamin C!

John: Are you alright Joe?

Joe: Well, except for the head wound, OH YEAH!  Oh look, a movie, A Clockwork Orange.

James: What’s with the fruit related stuff?

Joe: I just got back from the face painting booth.

John: Why do you have two large black eyes and a large black smile painted on your face?

Joe: What’s with the ninth degree?

James: Don’t you mean third degree?

Joe: OH YEAH!!!

James: Did you just tape ice cubes on your head?

Joe: I like it that way.

James: You would, wouldn’t you.

Joe: I don’t know.

Katie: I got my CD, we can go now.

John: But we wanted to…


John: No need to yell.

Katie: I’M NOT YELLING!!!!

Joe: Inside voice Katie.  OH YEAH!

James: What CD did you buy Katie?


James: Well, we’re all going to have to hear it, so it is our business.

Katie: No, it’s called None of Your Business.  It’s a collaborative CD from my three favorite artists, the Wu Tang Clan, Enya, and Barney.

John: Barney’s not an artist.

Katie: Don’t you ever speak of Barney that way again!  The song he did about friendship and love was magic!


Scene Four:

“Ark Anarchy”

Location: Pushor Avenue

Characters: The Gang, and a man on an ark


[the Gang is on their way home]


Katie: Wow, that sound machine sure is following us everywhere we go.

[camera pans to sound machine sneaking behind them, then hiding]

John: Umm, it actually is raining Katie.

Joe: Water makes me less tasty.

James: What?


[a large wooden ark rolls by]

Ark-man: Who wants some redemption?

Katie: I like recession!

Ark-man: No, no, no.  Not recession, redemption, you know a time of slow business activity.

John: You just defined recession.

Ark-man: No redemption for you!

John: I didn’t say I wanted any.

Ark-man: Fine then, a lot of redemption for you!

John: Whatever.

Ark-man: Anyway, I’m on a quest to capture…I mean redeem two of every creature!

Joe: What are all those sacks for?

Ark-man: Those aren’t capturing sacks, they’re redemption sacks.

Joe: I didn’t say they were capturing sacks.

Ark-man: You were thinking it.

Joe: You don’t want to know what I was thinking.

James: Oh yeah?

Joe: Damn it!

Ark-man: Anyway, back on topic…

Katie: I like rockets!

Ark-man: Do you have some kind of hearing problem?

Katie: WHAT!?!? I like steering noblems.

Ark-man: Noblems isn’t a word!

Katie: Neither is redemption sacks, but you don’t hear me saying anything about that.

Ark-man: You just did.

Katie: WHAT!?!? I couldn’t hear you, I’m ignoring you.

Ark-man: Good.  Anyway, as I was trying to say, I’m trying to save two of every animal from the hyper-storm that’s coming.

John: It storms every day in Dayboqrx.

Ark-man: Yes, but does it hyper-storm in Dayboqrx every day?

Joe: Yes.

Ark-man: Anyway, back to my point, I am trying to save two of every creature, happen to have two creatures that I can save?

John: Well, there are four of us.

Ark-man: Fine, you’re on your own then.

[Benji comes running outside]

Benji: Wait, Mr. Ark-man person, I have four mil…I mean two of two million different kinds of cats for you to save.

Ark-man: I’ve seen your cats before Benji, and they’re all the same kind of cat.

Benji: No they’re not, they’re different I swear.  Take these two for instant, this one’s from Egypt.

Ark-man: You just put a scarab on his head.

Benji: That’s what I said, he’s Scandinavian.

Ark-man: You just said Egypt.

Benji: Anyway, I still have this one…he’s made of chocolate. [he bites it and gets a mouthful of fur]

Ark-man: Listen, you’re all on your own.

Joe: Ha, that’s the title of the show.

John: What show?

James: I think Joe’s delusional.

[dramatic music]


Scene Five:

“A Cat-astrophe”

Location: The Penthouse                          

Characters: The Gang and a mischievous cat


[ Joe is eating a sandwich that is toasted strangely]

Katie: Anybody smell that burning smell?

Joe: Don’t look at me…no I mean really, don’t look at me, you have something in your eye and it’s gross.

Katie: That’s my iris.

Joe:  I don’t care if you do have Egyptian gods in your eye…stay away from me.

[Katie runs after Joe and makes him touch the iris]

John: Anyone seen…

James: Hold that thought.

[john tries to reach in his head for something in vein]

James: What are you doing?

John: Told me to hold on to my thought so I was trying to .

Joe: You are encroaching on my territory.

John: What you talking about Joe?

Joe: It is simple…you are the smart one , so in turn if you act dumbful…

James: Dumbful?

Joe: The word is not complex enough for your regular people mind.

Katie: Okay.

Joe: No it’s too complex for your mind Katie.

Katie: Harrumph.

[the sound of the door opening is heard]

Joe: Who’s there?

Benji: It’s just me, my cat seemed to wander into your apartment.

James: The door was locked and closed.

Benji: He is a crafty one.

Katie: That’s a girl.

Benji: No he is just very cold…[smiles in a strange fashion]…well bye!!

Joe: He gets stranger every day.

James: In a week he will be crazier?  Oh man.

Katie: Don’t worry, you’re not as great as me…it will be okay…so I got the CD…do you guys want to hear it?

[all at once they answer differently]

Joe: …sucks

Katie: Fine you guys are not connoisseurs of fine music.

James [under his breath]: Neither are you.

Katie: You said that right in my face.

[the lights go out for some reason, the CD goes on as a pair of yellow menacing eyes moves along]

Eyes: Heheheheheh.

Joe: Why won’t this god awful music go off?

James: The back up generator is connected to the stereo only…it is a bad idea now that I look back on it.

Katie: He is right, this is a terrible CD, who bought it ?

John: You did, you dragged us down to the mall to get it.

Katie : You are such a drama queen, it wasn’t a drag, it was a pull or struggle grab

Joe: OH YEAH!!!


Scene Six:

“Darkness Fails”

Location: The penthouse

Characters: The gang


Katie: Hey everybody, guess you can’t see me…

John: You can’t see anyone, it’s a power failure.

Joe: LIES!!!!

Katie: Guess what I’m doing.

John: Staring at yourself in the mirror?

Katie: Lucky guess.

Joe: Yeah, because I’m the winner.

Katie: Winners are only for winners!

Joe: What!! DAMN IT!

James [yelling]: MAN, I HATE EVERYONE!

Katie: If I was any greater, well, greater.

[ Joe sits there humming]

Joe: In the solitude of my mind, no one can bother me…except for you Mr. Mittens…meow.

John: Man, grudges…HOLDIN’ THEM GOOD!

[there’s a knock on the door]

Benji [outside the door]: Hey guys, let me in!

[The whole gang is befuddled]

Gang [simultaneously]: There are other people in the room?

Benji: It’s still dark in my place, can I come into your light filled penthouse?

Joe: No, it’s just as dark as it is in your place.

Katie: And you don’t have that God awful CD playing.  God, who the hell bought that crap?

Benji: Yeah, but it’s less darkified, and I can feel Katie’s boo…LET ME IN!

Katie: NO!!!

Benji: You don’t understand how frightening it is in my place, it looks like a Cher concert with all those yellow glowing eyes…the horror!  Like mini-lighters from hell…I love you babies!

Katie: Do you smell something burning?

Joe: I just made a sandwich on the generator.

John: You know the rule, if there’s not enough for everybody, then no one has any.

Joe: Let’s see you try and find me.

[ John grabs Joe immediately]

Joe: But Katie’s got boobs and we don’t have them, but you don’t take them away from her.

Katie: WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT???  I thought they were hidden.

Benji [yelling]: I KNEW ABOUT THEM!

Lefty [also outside the door]: Hey, hell of a blackout right, hey who wants warm Schnapps?  Oh, no one, okay, I’m leaving.

Katie [bangs her head on the door]: NO!!! Sweet alcohol.

Joe: You’re not old enough to drink.

Katie: Says who?

[the alcoholic inspector is standing outside the door]

AI: From here, I can see your breath has .00000000003% alcohol.  You’re coming with me, Drunky McDrunkerson.

Katie: I just had some Binaca and I sprayed it in my eye.

AI: Eye intoxication is the worst kind, you people make me sick.

Katie: It burns.

AI: That’s what they all say alkey.

[he pulls her out of the penthouse]

Benji: I’ll wait for you.

Katie: Keep that man away from me!

Benji [whispering]: Be strong………like your breath, you alkey.


Scene Seven:

“When the Lights Go Out, the Insanity Comes In”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Benji, Uhdulph


Benji: Hey guys.

Joe: Alright, I definitely locked the door.

Benji: I used the window.

John: Let me check the window to see how he got in [he goes to the window] Oh my God, there’s a ladder of cats outside.

Benji: I think I broke their little backs.

[Uhdulph walks in]

Uhdulph: Hi guys.

Benji: How’d you get here Uhdulph?

Uhdulph: I walked in through the door.


Benji: You mean I didn’t have to break all of my cats backs to get in here.

James: Why are you two in here?

Benji: You mean this isn’t our clubhouse?  Quick Uhdulph, take down the banner.

[banner says: WELCOME NEW MEMBERS]

Uhdulph: Who’s in for some…J…J…juice?

Joe: OH YEAH!  Rollin’ with the juice man!

Uhdulph: Uh, yeah, let me comb my small mustache [he combs it].

[Benji is staring into the distance]

James: Benji!

Benji: Oh, I’m sorry, I was distracted by that siren in the distance.

Joe [hides on the floor]: No, I didn’t do it, I swear, I didn’t know she was a cop.  Wearing that shiny blue outfit, and that gold star……it’s just so sexy.

James: That’s what cops wear.

Joe: Pffft, now I know.

John: Everyday Joe, everyday.

Joe: What?

John: Nothing. [puts his hand over his face in disappointment]

James: So back to what we were talking about, what are you two doing here?

Benji: We were just about ask you the same question.

James: Why, we live here.

Benji: Sure answered that quickly. [whispers to Uhdulph: I really love Katie]

James: I love cake too.

Benji: You’re not Hitler.

James [confused]: Thank you.

[Uhdulph stands there confused]

Uhdulph: I didn’t know anyone was serving cake, alright.

John: We’re not.

Joe [standing in the corner with a face full of cake]: [muffled: WHAT?? NO!]  I found it behind the generator.

John: That was from when you wiped your head on it earlier.


John: Yes.


John: Are you asking me, or are you exclaiming it?

Joe [confused]: Oh……yeah?

John: Good job.

Uhdulph: No really, I want some cake.


Scene Eight:

“A Pool of Pathetics”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Benji, and some dancers


Katie: Man, jail was nothing like I thought it would be, they gave me my own shank when I walked in.

James: Really?

Katie: No, I just used one of the skinny kids to start hitting people.  Man, Susie sure does pack a wallop.

John: Well, did you have fun in jail?

Katie: It’s jail.

John: Oh.

Katie: And of course I did.

John: Oh?

James: Oh?

Joe: OH YEAH!!!

Katie: But you know what would be nice…a nice refreshing dip in the pool.

John: It’s still pitch black in here Katie, can you even find your way to the pool.

Katie: I found my way here didn’t I?

Joe: Barely.  You walked into Benji like three or four times when he kept yelling “I’m your penthouse door.”

Benji [writing]: Dear Penthouse Magazine, boy do I have a story for you!

John: Benji, how can you see what you’re writing?

James: And you’re writing on a cat, I can tell. [cat screams]

Joe: And another thing Benji, what the hell are you still doing here?

Benji: I thought you wanted me here.

John: Get out!

Benji: I’m gone.

[ John trips over Benji]

John: You are not gone!

Benji; I’m not Benji, I’m a squeaky floorboard.  SQUEAK SQUEAK……FLOORBOARD.

Joe: We got that to stop saying that a while ago, so you can’t be.

Benji: Fine, I’ll leave.  But one thing…[he leaves]

John: Glad he’s gone.

Benji: I’m still here.

John: Damn it!

[ Joe walks and you hear a giant gurgle]

James: I think Joe found the pool.

Katie: Did we take the tarp off that?

[ Joe is flailing and screaming]


Katie: Do you think we’re going to find Joe?

John: Don’t hold your breath.


Benji: By the way guys, I left a couple of cats in the pool, I hope it’s not a problem.

[ Joe is crying in the pool]

Joe: I made a yacht out of the cats.  But I can’t find the steering wheel. [cat screams] There it is.  Not too frisky now are you Mr. Buttons.

Benji: They only have two names, and I can sense that it’s Angie number two thousand four hundred and twenty six.

Joe: Look Mr. Mittens, I have a friend for you, and this one won’t die.

Benji: WHAT!?!?

Joe: I’m just kidding, it’ll die real good.  Whoa, there’s other people in here.

John: What?

Dancers: And a one, and a two, and a three, and a four.

Joe: Who the hell are you, and why are you here?

Dancer 1: Hey yo, I’m Butch.

Joe: I know the lights are out, but I can see you wearing a tutu.

Butch: Hey, it’s my name, not what I am.

[the dancers are doing synchronized swimming]

Butch: And a three, and a nine, and a thirteen, and a fifty-seven.

Joe: That’s not how you count.

Butch: Hey, you can save your countin’ for your fancy law schools, this is synchronized swimming!

John: Joe, get out of the pool.

Joe: Okay [he gets out]

James: I’m gonna put this tarp over their heads.

[he does]

Butch: Whoa, it’s gettin’ dark in heh.

Joe: It was already dark!


Scene Nine:

“The River Pushor”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Benji, and a man on an ark


John: Hey, I’m gonna look out the window, uh, for no apparent reason.

Katie: Have fun!  Take your coat.

John: Shut up!

Katie: Make me.

John: James, get the duct tape.

James: QUACK!

John: Not duck, duct.

James: I knew that.

Joe: Where are there ducks?

John: Just never mind, I’m going to look out the window for a second.

Katie: Take you coat!

John: Don’t make this go right back where it started from.

Katie: Placenta?

John: Not that far back.

Katie: Sorry.

John: Speaking of grudges…

James: Nobody said anything about grudges.

John: You would, grudge holder?

James: That’s you…way to label.

John: Right, sure it is Top Secret.

James: Are we back on that again?

John: It appears so.

Joe: Excuse me John, you’re on top of me.

John: That, shut up!

Katie: Weren’t you about to look out the window?

John: Yes, but you keep interrupting me.

Katie: Take your coat.

John: Shut the hell up!  Oh my God!

Katie: I told you, you should’ve taken your coat.

John: No, look outside.

James: How are we going to get to the window, it’s pitch black.

Benji: Hold hands, I’ve got Katie.

Katie: I told you to go away.

Benji: I thought you said eat a ……… pay.

Katie: That doesn’t make any sense.

Benji: Alright, I’m holding Katie’s hand.

Katie: That’s not my hand, and if you don’t let go of that I’m going to hit you.

Benji: How?  I’m holding your other hand.

Katie: Those aren’t my hands.

Benji: Cold in here, isn’t it. [she slaps him] Ow, where did that hand come from……dear penthouse, I have an even better story…she has three hands!

John: Listen, you can see out the windows, so it’s not that hard to find them.

Katie: To you.

James: So what’s so great out these windows?

John: Look.

Benji: But I’m blind.

John: No you’re not, and look, the entire avenue is a river.  Such craziness, what a flood.

Katie: What, are you proud of it?

John: No…well, a little bit…it went from a stream, to a river.

Katie: Why don’t you marry it?

John: I would if she wasn’t going out with that damn creek.

[pan to creek next to the river]

John: Isn’t it amazing That.

Joe: I have a freakin’ name.

John: What are you talking about, I was just saying “Isn’t that amazing.”

Joe: Oh, okay.

John: Gee, way to blow stuff out of proportion That.

Joe: You did it again.

John: No, I’m saying “way to blow that stuff out of proportion,” my very dear friend……That……is dear to me.

[laughter heard from outside]

Ark-man: Ah, redemption.  Tastes like chicken…which I have two of apparently.

John: What the hell is that down there?

[The ark-man is singing “Old Man River”]

Ark-man: Although I am only 36.

Joe: Is that that guy from the ark before?

John: Now who’s saying that, That…

Joe: You definitely caught yourself on that one.

John: No, I was saying, “Now who…that…that…who…saying…” Damn, you caught me that time.

Joe: I’m getting smarter by the day.  Ow, my head hit my fist somehow.

Ark-man: Ark-man to the rescue!  [hums Batman music and runs around the ark]  Man, I’m glad I found this cape.

Katie: That’s my cape!

Ark-man: Man, am I glad I’m redeemed.  Unlike those four I met before.

John: Hi!!! [the gang waves to him]

Ark-man: Oh damn it, they’re still alive.

[Benji throws cats at the ark]

Benji: This one has a cut…this one’s missing a leg.

Ark-man: Is there two of them?

Benji: I will in a second. [loud scream]

Ark-man: Put rudders on disgust. [speeds away quickly]  Bye-bye losers! [a whale jumps out of the water] Damn, I knew I should have taken two of those. [the whale eats the ark]


Scene Ten:

“All Bulbs But Joe’s are Lit”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang and Benji


Katie: So, the lights seem to be out.

John: Astute observation, dummy.

Katie: Am I on your knee?  Is your hand up my…alright, let’s not finish that sentence.

Benji: My Katie sonar is going off for sexual…away [he walks into the door]

John: You seriously haven’t left yet?

Benji: You guys are in my penthouse, jeez.

James: No, you’re definitely in ours.

Benji: I know the lights are out and all, but can’t you smell all the cats.

James: It’s you that reeks of cats.
Benji: Is it?  No, I think it’s Joe.

Joe: I’m allergic to cats.

Benji: Hence why you’d reek of them.

Joe: What?

Benji: That’s exactly what you would say.

Joe: Listen, just get out.

Benji: This is my penthouse.

James: If this is your penthouse, then where are all the cats?

Benji: Meow, there’s one.

John: That was you.

Benji: How would you meow know.

John: Because you said it mid-sentence that time.

Benji: Damn it, well, I’m leaving.

John: Good!

[ John trips over Benji again]

John: Ow, Benji you haven’t left yet!

Benji: That’s exactly what the cat burglar would have said!

John: Just get out!

[the lights go on, Joe is attempting to jam a Pop Tart in the stereo]

James: Joe, what are you doing?

Joe: Trying to make the music stop…and make tasty Pop Tarts while I’m at it.

John: Dude, that stereo has been unplugged the whole time…[dramatic music]…no it hasn’t, I was just lying to make the dramatic music play.

Katie: You could have just pushed the play button.

John: Pffft, now you tell me.

Joe: Wow, we can see.

James: Joe, you’re facing the wall.

Benji: Wait a minute, this isn’t my house.  You guys lied to me.

John, Joe, and James: WHAT!?!?

Katie: I told you.

Benji: Now can I hold your hand?

Katie: Those weren’t my hands in the first place.

Benji: Fine then, I’m going home.

Katie: Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Benji: I will!

[He leaves and the gang starts talking to each other inaudibly]

Benji [from outside]: OH MY GOD, I TOUCHED HER…[his door slams shut]


Scene Eleven:
”Just a Light Problem”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Lefty


[a knock his heard at the door]

Katie: This better not be Benji, I’ll get it.

[she opens the door and it’s Lefty]

Lefty: Hey Katie, hey guys.

John: Hey it’s Lefty, what a surprise.

Benji [barely audible from inside his penthouse]: I TOUCHED HER, I TOUCHED HER, MAN, THAT WAS GREAT!!!!!  AND JUST A LITTLE LESS HAIRY THEN THE CATS!!!

Katie [yelling to him]: It’s a velour shirt!

Lefty: Yeah, I’m not gonna pretend to know what you’re talking about, anyway, I need to ask you guys a favor.

John: I hate to ask, but what?

Lefty: I need you to buy all my alcohol, it’s warm.

Katie: I’m not falling for that trick again.

Lefty: C’mon, we had no battery power during the outage, do this for me this one time.

[ Joe is seen across the street raiding people’s fridges]

Joe: It’s not cold, you don’t need it.

Person: That’s my couch.

Joe: It seems warm to me.

John: And that’s how the Grinch Stole Christmas.

James: What?

John: I’m sorry, I got caught up in the moment.

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