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Site Info.

Why Lucky 19? I figured that since this IS a trivia site that the title should be the type of title that might be an answer to a trivia question (I've actually seen a few questions with Lucky 19 as the answer). If you're wondering, Lucky 19 comes from the season one BtVS episode "Nightmares", fyi. Who Am I? I am Princess, and I run this site as well as it's "parent" site, the BAG (Buffy/Angel Gallery). I live in San Antonio, Texas, USA, I'm 21 years old, and my favorite color is blue. I have been a fan of BtVS since season 2 (we didn't get the WB durring season 1) and an Angel fan since the beginning. Want to know anything else? Didn't think so. How Do You Contact Me? Got any questions about the site, anything at all? Then email me, my add is: Where Did the Quizes Come From? I created the easy quizes all on my own (you can tell, can't you?) and the harder ones came from Alibea's Buffy Quiz Site. She decided to change her site to a non-Buffy layout and I was lucky enough to get her to give me her old (soon to be unused) quizes. Who Made the Awards? I did. I used ImageMagick Studio and Please, link ALL awards back to this sie! Why Doesn't This Site Have All the REGULAR Stuff? All the usuall site stuff like links, clubs, webrings, and all the rest of that is over at the BAG. No need to have it up twice, now is there? Tell Me More About This BAG . . . Well, the BAG is a site all about BtVS and Ats. If you don't know what those two shows are then you're in the wrong place, plus you will totaly suck at the quizes! The BAG has a link library, cliques for you to join no matter which character your site is about (I have one for every major character, plus a minor one, as well as one for general BtVS/Ats sites), a selection of wallpapers, fanart, fanfiction, an award you could win, as well as all of the cliqes, clubs, webrings, and such that I/my site belong to. Also, I have an adoptions page, a pretty good sized image gallery, and a few other odds and ends. Sound good? Great, go visit! The addy is: Disclaimer The usual: I don't own anything, so don't sue me... The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon,20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy, ect. . . Not me =( I am making no money from this and mean no copyright infringement. Miss. The site counter came from FastCounter by bCentral and the guestbook came from guestpage.
Lucky 19
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