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In the months this campaign has been running, many interesting Save-Our-Show and fanpages have sprung up.  Some I've found on my own, some have been e-mailed to me by other loyal Gunfans and Gunfen...and some, while off-topic, are just too cool not to mention.  If you like my site, you'll probably love these.  So, in the words of Rocket J. Squirrel, "Now here's something we hope you'll really like!"

(...and if you know any more great pages, drop me a line and I will put them here.)

Other Campaigns:

Save the Lone Gunmen Campaign   This is the first place I found the FOX Network phone number.  It's got some wonderful screenshots, message boards, and more links to campaigns.

Xenola's Save the Lone Gunmen Collection of Spaz  Great name, huh?  I love her suggestions for save-the-show protests.  Plus, she pointed me towards the "Help 'Save' the Lone Gunmen NetRing." 

TVtome's Lone Gunmen Site  This site has message boards and news updates-- well worth visiting!  Plus it's a portal to...

The Warehouse, 204 Fells Point Rd.  Wow!  The motherlode of LGM info...and just wait until you see the print-out mailers for their Second Season Campaign!  Wish I'd have thought of that...  

Programme I: The Dysk Theatre  This is where I first found the FOX phone number.  In addition to LGM news, you'll find X-Files, Douglas Adams, Highlander, fanfics, and much much more.

Random News:  Save The Lone Gunmen  This has a wonderful links area, plus an address for 1013 Productions.  (Please note: the site is undergoing a re-design; I've been assured that this page will return, I'm just not sure when.)

Lone Gunmen and the Fight For Intelligent Television Petition  As a petition, this site's mojo is the best.  It's everything I'd hoped my guestbook could be.  Please, please, PLEASE go to this site and sign it.  The goal is 1000 signatures--I know we can do it.

Odd Men Out  This is primarily a fanfiction site, with links, pictures, and more.

Let Your Freak Flag Fly  Cute title, with yet another write-in idea  (mailing in copies of the Friday night TV schedule with a note:  "I'd rather watch the Lone Gunmen!") Take a look, it's a great site.

Save the Lone Gunmen Letter Generator    If you'd love to write in but don't know what to doesn't get much easier than this.  A brilliant idea!

Melissa's Second Season Campaign  Another great site, with Nielsen info, addresses, and more!  The print-out postcards in particular are awesome.

Pamala's Save the Gunmen Campaign   This is a really sharp site.  It provides a sign-up for updates on the campaign's progress, too.

Exfilia's Things to Do to Save the Gunmen  Looking for campaign suggestions?  Try here.

Kara's Lone Gunmen Crusade!  has some amazing wallpaper, pictures, polls, and lots more.



Help "Save" the Lone Gunmen NetRing  Got a Save-Our-Show site?  Join the ring! 

Ultimate Lone Gunmen WebRing   Another great--and huge!--webring site!


Sites of Interest:

Lone Gunmen Fans @ EZboards  Just one of the many message boards devoted to Our Heroes.  I've gotten some great addresses and information for the campaigns here.

Lone Gunmen Drinking Game  Just the thing for tape parties! 

Silver Bullet Comics  has interviews with the people behind the new Lone Gunmen comic book one-shot.  Click on Interviews, then Archived Interviews, and look for Friday, June 29th's One Shot, Last Call article.

RevolutionSF  also has an article on Our Boys and their very own show.  It's a little outdated by now, but still interesting.

Laura Loves Langly  is an adorable fan page.  I loved the Lone Reptiles!

Hiding in the Light's X-Files Madness  has screen captures from several LGM episodes--one of the sources for my new pics.

Road Runners  is another mainly XF site with LGM screen captures...another source for my "altered" pics. 

Yes, It's Another Lone Gunmen Website...  and it's really neat.  Check it out...



Off-Topic Wonders:

Death to Spam  is a wonderful discussion of that vile phenomenon known as SPAM--unsolicited e-mail, usually of a commercial or pornographic nature.  If you're not familiar with it, consider yourself lucky--I've had to deal with a ton of it since putting my e-mail addy on this site.  The explanations and strategies listed here make this a must-see site for all the funky poachers out there.

CAUCE is the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail: a group dedicated to fighting SPAM.  Go on, join the fight to take back our mailboxes!!! 

WPOISON  is one of the weapons against SPAM I've discovered, and is used on this very site, thanks to the wonderful folks at 

U.S.S. Intrepid  is not a Gunmen site.  It's a Star Trek fan club based out of Dearborn, MI--one of the longest-running Trek clubs in the nation.  It's listed here not just because I'm a member--which I am--but also because we are principled dreamers too, much like the Lone Gunmen.  We don't do any raids on megalomaniac corporations or investigate shady stories for a small scale newspaper.  What we do is spend time volunteering and raising money for about a dozen different charities, on local, national and international levels...and sometimes we just get together and have fun.  :^D  Come on in and see...


"Look at this neat site I found..."


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