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"Hey Dollface, I love you!"
GL's Beth & Lujack/DAYTIME TV

Confused about her feelings for Lujack and Phillip, Beth takes off for the shore so she can relax and think things out. Back in Springfield, Lujack is convinced that Beth will choose him over his cousin. Meanwhile, Phillip files for divorce from Mindy, so he'll be free when Beth returns. Beth writes to both guys, but selfish Mindy hides Phillip's letter. Lujack, of course, flaunts in Phillip's face that he received a postcard from Beth. At the beach, Beth draws a portrait, and much to her embarrassment, realizes that it's a composite of both men! Lonely for Beth, Lujack calls her at her bungalow and tells Beth how much he misses her. In spite of herself, Beth admits that she misses him too. Encouraged, Lujack hops on his bike and heads down to the shore. Beth is happy to see him, and they take a walk down the lonely stretch of sand. Cautiously, Lujack tells Beth what he knows in his heart to be true: "I love you." At first Beth is scared. Can she handle being Lujack's "woman?" Does she still want Phillip? Throwing her arms around him, she realizes that it is Lujack who she wants, afterall. Back in Springfield, Phillip is badly beaten by the Galahads. Visiting him in the hospital, Beth doesn't know how to tell Phillip that she's no longer his. #

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