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Domain Name - Emmerdale.Net. All sensible offers considered.

Emmerdale.Net is closed.

'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
'To talk of many things:
Of shoes - and ships - and sealing-wax -
Of cabbages - and kings -
And why the sea is boiling hot -
And whether pigs have wings.'

Lewis Carroll

Well not quite the above but I am about to enter a new phase in my life that has no need for Emmerdale.Net. The site has given me great pleasure for over five years and has been the number one Emmerdale site almost since it's conception but I always said that the day that it became a chore then that would be the day that I closed it. That day has arrived.

I now have a life and in the last six months have moved on further than I dared hope. This is down to two special people. The first is the strongest person I have ever met and a true friend. Despite having to suffer more emotional pain than most people see in a lifetime she has always been there for me. The second is the kindest, most open and honest person you could ever hope to meet. But meet we did and life is looking great for us.

So Emmerdale.Net is no more, it has ceased to be. It is an Ex Website. Thanks to everyone who has given support over the years and to the friends I have met through Emmerdale. Good luck.

Bill Sands 5 June 2002

I personally recomend you visit

Emmerdale Farm-A half-decent web-site

The Death of Emmerdale

Fed up with what is happening to Emmerdale?

Since I announced the closure of Emmerdale.Net my mail box has been bursting with messages, over 95% of which agree with my views on the killing of Emmerdale by Granada. I will answer every email personally as soon as I can.

A lot of you ask who to complain to. Well take it to the person responsible, Steve Frost, the producer. He can be reached by email HERE

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The links below will remain until futher notice.

Death of Emmerdale

Emmerdale Producer's Memory Loss

Please Don't Shoot

Losing the plot:
The Independent