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Emmerdale Producer's Memory Loss?

The subject of this has now been upheld as a complaint to the ITC (See Update below). As of today YTV have yet to air an apology. Bill Sands 23/7/02

I have been wondering of late whether or not Emmerdale producer Steve Frost has had a memory lapse. I am sure that he would never knowingly mislead his audience but there are a couple of things where he seems to have forgotten his own words.

Back in 2001 Steve reportedly told a disgruntled Emmerdale audience that Emmerdale had had a bad year, with the introduction of so many youngsters being a big mistake. He was said to add that Emmerdale would be going back to it's roots with us seeing more rural scenes and even some animals.

More recentely in 2002 when Emmerdale aired a story based upon Ray Mullan's diabetes they got it completely wrong medically prompting me to write to Steve Frost:

"Hi Steve and Emmerdale

Having just watched this evening's episode of Emmerdale I am shocked and disappointed at the way you have treated the subject of diabetes. Last night's Ray Mullan was shown clearly having a hypoglycaemic attack, it was well acted and accurate. This evening Ray explained to Louise that he had 'forgotten an injection' which is where you have gone completely wrong. The only injection that Ray could have forgotten would be his insulin which would, if anything, put him at risk of a HYPER, not HYPO in that his blood
sugar would be too high not too low. The source of my information is myself as an insulin dependent diabetic. I feel that due to the serious nature of this error, aired during prime-time TV, that you should show a correction, preferably before or after tomorrow
night's show. I look forward to your comments."

To which Steve replied:

"Very many apologies for this. We research our storylines very thoroughly and
seek never to mislead, either intentionally or otherwise, but I accept that
we have done so in this instance. We did intend that Ray should be
hypoglycaemic and the line about missing an injection should not have been
there. The story will be long running and I assure you that we will correct
this on-screen, making very clear the difference between hypo- and
hyperglycaemia, their causes, affects and treatments.

Many apologies again.



I am able to say with utmost confidence that nothing has been done regarding either matter. Instead Emmerdale has lurched from one cheap story, usually involving sex, to the next. Has Steve Frost got a dodgy memory and when will the rot stop? Emmerdale's ratings are very low these days hardly any better than the disaster year of 2001. When will Granada stop the rot?

A lot of you ask who to complain to. Well take it to the person responsible, Steve Frost, the producer. He can be reached by email HERE

UPDATE 23 July 2002

From the ITC website:

Programme Complaints & Interventions Report

These reports are case summaries of complaints which appeared to raise issues of substance in relation to the interpretation of the ITC Code of Advertising Standards and Practice. Summary statistics of non-substantive complaints can be found in the full reports which are obtainable from the ITC.

Showing Complaints & Interventions Report for EMMERDALE

Channel: ITV (Yorkshire Television)

Date & time: Wednesday 17 April: 7.00pm

Category: Accuracy


Ray, a relatively recent addition to the cast of this long- running drama, collapses and is taken to hospital. It ranspires he is diabetic and suffering from hypoglycemia. Ray blames this on missing his insulin injection. His girlfriend, Louise, chides him for not telling her he has diabetes.


Viewers felt that Louise’s comment that it was ‘a minor ailment’ did not reflect the seriousness of the illness. Some viewers also pointed out that Ray’s condition meant that an insulin injection was the incorrect treatment. He needed to increase his blood sugar level and this should be done by eating and drinking.


The ITC contacted the licensee, who immediately apologised for giving the wrong information. They were investigating why this mistake occurred and would be tightening up on the procedure for checking the script against research notes. However, they did feel that little harm would have been caused as not enough details were given to base any
action on. Viewers with any experience of diabetes would know the correct treatment. The ITC accepted that, in this context, little damage would potentially be caused to viewers, but nevertheless inaccurate information had been given and so these complaints were upheld.

Although Louise did make the comment about diabetes being ‘a minor ailment’, Yorkshire explained that Louise was trying to make Ray feel ‘better’ about his illness as he had hidden it from her. In real life diabetes does vary onsiderably in its severity from person to person and, in this instance, Louise had not seen it as a life-threatening illness. On viewing the episode, the ITC agreed that in this context Louise’s remark was not intended to be offensive, but reflected this character’s view at the time.


Although there was no breach of the Programme Code, the ITC was upholding complaints regarding the incorrect treatment, but not about Louise’s comments.


The links below will remain until futher notice.

Please Don't Shoot

Losing the plot:
The Independent

Death of Emmerdale