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Super Butouden 01
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Super Butouden 03
Hyper Dimension
Legend of the Super   Saiyan
Ultimate Battle 22
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Back to this page - 12.29.01 -  
Since I already have a lot of gifs put up here then I will leave my domain name pointing here but I will do the updates on this page every time I update. So check that out everytime. I already have the Goku Super Butouden gifs up.

Android 16 HD frame- 12.16.01 -  
Check out another new frame of android 16 HD. And the hosting is taking to long so I think that I am going to go with something more simpler.

Dabura HD frame- 12.14.01 -  
Check out my newest frame, Dabura hyper dimension. The new host should be up soon...the guy is changing his domain name and it is still transfering.

Help - 12.02.01 -  
I have a new layout and everything ready but I don't have a host. The guy that said he would host me isnt cause he didnt buy the hosting. So if you know a place that supports subdomains or domains(no /you domains) and supports php and ssi please contact me and tell me. And I think everyone will like the layout that I is very good.

Happy Thanksgiving - 11.22.01 -  
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It has been a really long time since I have updated. But I updated the layout a little bit to make it more appealing. My host isnt going to host me anymore I don't think but I found another one. I will hopefully get up very soon.

Good news - 11.4.01 -  
My new host is switching servers so he will be up soon which means I will to. But if he takes to long or doesnt give me the hosting option anymore I might have another source. So I would say hosting is coming extremely soon. Thanks and visit again very soon to see if we are up yet.

Hosting - 11.2.01 -  
I am now getting some exellent hosting. I would like to thank Twitchmasterflex from He will be hosting me and I can finnally get all the gifs up. Visit soon to see when we are up.

The worst thing that could ever happen - 10.24.01 -  
The worst thing that could ever happened...happened. My computer crashed and everything including my programs and gifs and graphics has been deleted. I had the most gifs...If I just would have published them. Man I just cant believe it happened. But dont let this bring you guys down...even though I almost considered closing down the site because no one has as many gifs as I did. I think that this is just the opportunity to make things better and by doing so I am going to start over more organized and quicker. I wont have as many gifs as quickley but I will make alot of my own and get some from others. And because of this I am hiring the most elite staff to make this better. If you know HTML and are extremely good at making gifs please
email me and give me an example of you gif making ability. And please please please(cause I am going to need the money to make this better) contact me to buy a layout/graphics. For the most elite layouts that I will ever make will only cost you a simple $10, so if you have been wanting a site but arent good at layouts and graphics then please get one of my elite layouts. You can tell me to do whatever you want on the layout and I will try to make that look really good(we will work together to make you the layout that you deserve). Thanks.

Frame - 10.20.01 -  
Check out this frame of SSJ Gohan. Its simple but I think it looks cool. And if you know a good host that can support SSI and the url is a subdomain...please email me it because I wont be getting my hosting untill Christmas. And I am getting sick of angelfire.

Pages - 10.14.01 -  
I added some more pages to the new layout. I am going to make a design page on it soon, and please sign up for those if you need a layout because I need the money cause I lost my checks that were going to pay for the hosting. Click
here if you want to go to the new layout.

Preview - 10.13.01 -  
here to see what will be my new layout...I might add a few new things but It wont make much of a difference. Please support me by clicking on the modchip button and then enter on the page it brings up.

Frame - 10.12.01 -  
Check out this frame of Spopovich and Yamu:

Just two more weeks... - 10.02.01 -  
Alright, I asked my mom and she said that If I bring my one D in geography up on my grade card then she will get it. But my grade card comes out in two weeks. Its already up but I have to bring it to a B and I am going to work really hard to get all my grades up so I can buy hosting. Just be patient becauser I will update my prieviews of the new layout and the layout for Saiyan Intensity. Still go to
fX.chamber my newest message board. Two weeks will fly by very quickely anyway.

Forum - 9.20.01 -  
here to go to my newest message board. It is really sweet and I would like to get at least 500 members on it so please if your here go to it. And please support me by clicking on my modchip button and then the next page. I need the money for hosting.

Top image... - 9.20.01 -  
here to see the oldpreview of the layout. When I looked at the big one all it showed was the banner so I will try and fix that. I changed the banner on this layout too.

New preview... - 9.20.01 -  
here to see a better preview of the layout. Expect to see hosting soon. And I might make a new layout If I think of something better.

Good News!!!!!! - 9.07.01 -  
I will buy my hosting tommarow so check back then because I will put up the new layout and everything. Thanks for all your help!!!!!

Good News!!!!!! - 9.01.01 -  
I have some really good news!!!!! I am buying hosting!!!!! And I will be able to host 3 domain names and 6 sub domains. But I wont buy it untill I get 20 more clicks on the mod-chip button. So click on that and then click on the next page so I can buy the hosting!!!!!!

Nail HD & Chibi Ubuu HD - 8.31.01 -  
Nail HD and Chibi Ubuu HD are now up. The reason there has been no updates is because I am working on a new site. Come back to see a priview of it.

Yamcha HD & Kaioshin HD - 8.24.01 -  
Yamcha HD and Kaioshin HD are now up. I will work on others later. And I made all the gifs that were put up today. And please support me by clicking on the modchip button under host so I can buy some hosting.

Gogeta HD - 8.23.01 -  
Gogeta HD is now up. The side bar and stuff is still under construction though. It should be up shorty. And I am working on the Yamcha HD gifs.

Trunks HD - 8.22.01 -  
Trunks HD is now up. I also added a new top image and later I might work on the side bars to make this page look better. Now I have to go work on my homework, weightlifting, my girlfriend, and other stuff.

Krillin HD - 8.20.01 -  
Krillin HD is now up. And I have one word for the extreme lack of updates, SCHOOL. I started school so I guess I will just start adding one character a day. And my girlfriend wants me to spend a lot of time with her so that will effect the updates but I should get one character a day. Please support me by clicking on the mod-chip button and I will add Trunks HD later today because I havent updated in a while.

Buu HD - 8.15.01 -  
Buu HD are now up. And thanks for clicking on the mod-chip button It helped alot. And yes I did get 11 clicks so that means I am going to add HD Trunks and HD Krillin. But please continue to click the mod-chip button so maybe I will be able to buy this site hosting and then I can host you guys.

Majin Buu HD - 8.15.01 -  
Majin Buu HD are now up. And I only planned on adding two characters today but If I get one more click on my mod-chip buton under host then I will add two more. But don't forget that you have to click the button then enter on the next page. Thanks.

HD Gotenks - 8.14.01 -  
HD Gotenks are up finally. And please support my site by clicking on the mod-chip button under host. For every 10 clicks I get I will double my working progress for that day. So please tell alot of people to click and stuff. Majin Buu is next. And this time im serious when I mean soon.

HD Frieza - 8.13.01 -  
HD Frieza are now up. Gotenks will be up today too.

Sponsor & Affiliate - 8.13.01 -  
I got a new sponsor and affiliate. The sponsor is and my new affiliate is DBR Gifs. And I am working on getting a preview of the new layout for u guys. I also will get the Frieza gifs up. They are published so it wont be hard to put them up.

HD Vegetto - 8.11.01 -  
HD Vegettos are now up. Frieza or Gotenks will be the next.

HD Cell - 8.10.01 -  
Hyper Dimension Cells are now up. I dont know when my new host is going to host me. But I am going to get hte Vegettos up.

HD Gohan - 8.06.01 -  
Hyper Dimension Gohans are up and I am working on a new layout but I wont put it up untill my new host is ready to host me.

HD Vegeta & Piccolo - 8.04.01 -  
Hyper Dimension Vegeta are up and Hyper Dimension Piccolo are up to. Im working on the Gohans.

HD Goku - 8.04.01 -  
Hyper Dimension Goku gifs are up. I have exactly 80 of him. Im in the process of Vegeta.

DBDesigns is coming back - 8.03.01 -  
Yes I know I said that the hyper dimension gallerie would be up but I have been working on reopening dbdesigns which means free graphics and layouts.

Galleries - 8.02.01 -  
I am redoing the galleries yet again. Expect to see the hyper dimension page up tonight and the hyper dimension gifs of Goku up extremely soon.

Update - 8.01.01 -  
I redid the android 13 option page. In about an hour I will work on redoing 14 & 15, then I will work on 16 and I made a HD of him that looks pretty good.

Brolli HD frame - 7.30.01 -  
I am redoing my Brolli hyper dimension gifs because of a diragatory comment by the owner of Here is the first frame that I have made of him.

Android 14 & 15 - 7.30.01 -  
android 14 and android 15 gifs are up.

Android 13 - 7.29.01 -  
I added the
Android 13 hyper dimension gifs. I made three of them myself. Android 14 is next.

New layout - 7.29.01 -  
I made a new layout for the site.  And I am pleased to say that I have founda host and its not angelfire.  It is  And he claims he will host me on august 5th.  But I already added all the pages.  And congratulations to VegettoHD, he won the gif contest.   
DBR Gifs 
Big Bang Kamehame 
Saiyan Meteo