Disclaimer: You like these characters? You think these characters be mighty nice, eh? They not belong to me, but for you, I use them for story, okay?


Lost in Translation II: Anya in Rome


Sign in a laundry in Rome:



“Magic Box, your one stop sh-”

“Giles? Giles, thank God it’s you.” Giles strained to hear the voice on the static-filled line.

“Xander? Is that you?”

“Yes, it’s me. Xander. I mean it‘s us.”

“Xander, we didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. How’s the honeymoon going?” There was another loud burst of static, and Giles thought he heard Anya yelling, “It’s a conspiracy, I tell you!” in the background, along with sounds of men yelling.

“Um...not so good, Giles. Does the Watcher’s Council have any pull in Italy, by any chance?” Giles removed his glasses and put the heel of his palm to his forehead, closing his eyes. He sighed in resignation.

“What’s happened?”

“I’m afraid...well, there’s no good way to...don’t say I told you so...”

“Xander, please, just...say it.”

“They’re trying to arrest Anya.”

“For God’s sakes, why?” Another burst of shouting and the sounds of a struggle followed, and suddenly Anya was wailing into the phone.

“Giles? Giles, it’s a big frame-up, I only did what they said...”

“Signora, please, you must put on your clothes, this is a public place,” Giles heard a thick Italian accent say, and he made a choking sound. It sounded as if Anya had dropped the phone, but Giles could still faintly hear what was going on. Anya shrieked in fury.

“But the sign said to leave my clothes here...I just want to have sex with my husband!”

“Not in the laundry, Signora!” Giles dropped the receiver and fell to the floor laughing. He could hear the tinny sounds of Anya shouting from the other end.

“It’s un-American to lie in advertising! I am NOT enjoying my afternoon!”


On to Cordy in Nairobi

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