Title: Green

Author: Jeanny

Rating: G

Distribution: Go right ahead, if you like

Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Joss and Greenwalt and Mutant Enemy and Fox and...the point is, they’re not mine and I make no money.

Feedback: Please! jeannygrrl@hotmail.com

Summary: Challenge in a Can drabble (or close enough - I didn't count words). Willow, grass, desiring. Takes place between Seasons 6 & 7.


She’s a student again, and it’s a relief, because she knows how to be a good student. She listens to them all, memorizing every detail, and recites their lessons back to them. Everything’s connected, she says, and the coven basks in her understanding. But Willow knows it’s all a lie. She’s not connected to the earth or to them or to anything. That is, for now.

She comes here because it’s verdant and beautiful and peaceful and most like what she’s lost. She concentrates and the grass beneath her quivers, trying to be what she wants and failing. Not connected yet. All she needs is the tiniest thread, and she still can’t make it happen, but she will. She brings up a flower instead. She names it Tara.

There’s always tomorrow.


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