
The Chris Tate Appreciation Society

Devoted to Emmerdale's Chris Tate, played by actor Peter Amory. This site is entirely unofficial.

Welcome to the Tate Gallery

In this part of the site, I have posted every image I could find of Chris Tate/Peter Amory.
There are quite a few, so I have organised some sets of similar pictures into collections. Just click on the thumbnails to see the full size pic or the rest of that collection.
New pics, or collections containing new pics have been marked N.
There are a few pics which are of slightly dubious quality, but which I thought still merited a place in the gallery; these are marked Q.
Pics marked F for favourite, come highly recommended by the webmistress, and pics marked P are of Peter Amory out of character.

Page 1 - Miscellaneous Pics

Page 2 - Miscellaneous Pics
Page 3 - Collections N


N = New photo since last update.
P = Pictures of Peter Amory rather than Chris, ie. out of character.
Q = Not great quality, but I'd thought you'd like it anyway.
F = Personal favourites which come highly recommended by the webmistress.
N F An example of how to look damn good in a three-piece suit.
N F A cracking black and white pic of Chris trying not to look at Kathy's annoying mush.
N Happy families? An early pic from the Tates' album, inc. vintage fuzzy/smiling Chris.
F Very nice pic of Chris at Frank's grave.
Angry/fluffy Chris.
F Wow! Possibly the best picture of Chris Tate, ever. Little Joseph in the background, too.
Eek! He looks somewhat odd in this one.
F A very cool montage of Chris through the years.
Ooh...scary close-up!
F This is a lovely 800x600 that makes a very nice desktop.
At Kathy's wedding - Chris expresses his concerns to his little sister.
Q Definitely an odd one - the siblings seem to have taken a trip to blue-land.
Q Fuzzy chin, fuzzy picture. It's another blue beardy one.
F I rather like this one, even if there is a sinister presence lurking behind Chris.
F I used to hate this one, but it's become a favourite. Just check out the look on Liam's face.
Page 2 - Miscellaneous Pics
Page 3 - Collections N

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