"Kill Oscar" Part 2

(Original air date 10/31/76)


While Jaime is in the hospital following her run-in with Franklin's fembots,
Steve takes it upon himself to go rescue Oscar


Story: Arthur Rowe & Oliver Crawford

Teleplay: William T. Zacha

Director: Barry Crane

Following a short visit to the hospital to enquire about Jaime’s condition, Steve drops by Oscar’s office to meet with NSB Chief Supervisor Hanson to discuss the current situation with Oscar’s abduction. Hanson is unwavering in his quest to destroy the enemy at all cost despite Jaime’s suggestion of robots that he considers far fetched. He intends to execute Oscar’s last wish to the letter and warns Steve against playing hero.

Steve requests of Rudy that he artificially rouse Jaime out of her sleep long enough to gather information regarding the incident with her legs. Her account of the facts has Rudy believing that the sensitivity in her bionic ear wasn’t due to a malfunction but that she was actually picking up the robot’s high frequency pitch.


He and Steve momentarily leave to go work on an oscillator, unaware that Linda’s eyes and ears are registering their every move and spoken word. They return to Jaime’s room where they pitch ultrasounds to her bionic ear in order to determine to robots’ transmitting frequency.


Once the number is programmed, Steve asks that this frequency be fed through satellite to establish the exact location of its source. The computer gives the latitude and longitude of Franklin’s base, which is the site of an old abandoned OSI complex. Again the fembot’s eyes send the information directly to Franklin.


Steve borrows a helicopter to fly to the given location. There he rescues whom he believes is the real Callahan. Behind a corner Katy is poised ready to spring on Steve with an iron rod but hits Callahan instead, accidentally removing her mask and thus exposing her as a robot.


A bionic fight ensues and Steve soon discovers that his powers are no match for the two fembots.


Franklin orders him to surrender but instead Steve hurls the metal rod at a transmission panel to disable it and render the robots beserk.


Inside the complex, he rescues Linda then makes his way to the main room. On his way he unties Oscar who informs him of Callahan’s untimely death. He sends Oscar and Linda ahead, instructing them to wait by the helicopter while he handles Franklin’s watchdogs.


After blocking the exit with barrels, he hurries to the chopper where the instruments register a slight problem of weight. He quickly adjusts it and lifts off.

On the ground, Franklin relishes his triumph of having duped the enemy. His plan worked. He will now destroy this base to make the OSI believe that they succeeded, after which he will proceed to his other complex to begin phase two.


Once recovered from his emotions, Oscar gather his team to order that they sweep the OSI building for any of Franklin’s robots that might still be roaming the halls. He then calls the State Secretary to ask that the Weather Control System be transferred to a safer place for precautionary measures, owing to the fact that they have no proof whatsoever that Franklin was killed in the explosion that destroyed his base. Unbeknownst to the government that this new location is Franklin’s second covert base.

Steve and Rudy marvel over the striking resemblance between Linda and her fembot. Franklin is a brilliant man; a very ingenious scientist. His only flaw is that his little wonder weighs a ton, which is a dead give away.


In Oscar’s office, while waiting for the boss to finish his call, Steve’s bionic eye notices that the shoes are leaving a heavy footprint on the carpet. Suspicious, Steve discreetly throws a pencil on the floor and waits for Oscar to step on it. When he does the results are shocking; the pencil is crushed to pieces. One possible conclusion: Oscar is a robot.


Steve hurries back to Rudy with his discovery that the good doctor is reluctant to believe. Steve is convinced that it accounts for the shift in weight when he tried to take off in the chopper at Franklin’s base, and explains why the mad scientist didn’t go to great lengths to have him killed. He wanted him to rescue the robot Oscar to bring him back to the OSI where he could have complete control over the operations.

Robot Oscar makes an impromptu entrance, thus interrupting their conversation. He orders Steve to fly out to Hawaii on a special mission and despite the urgency Steve declines, stating more pressing matters in Washington. Oscar doesn’t insist and accedes to Steve’s wish to delay the mission for twenty-four hours. In his complex, Franklin is suspicious of Steve’s rejection of a direct order. Oscar fibs about his operative often turning him down on many assignments but Franklin is not duped. He orders his robot Oscar to dispose of Colonel Austin.


Oscar then issues a warrant for Steve’s arrest on the suspicion of his being one of Franklin’s robots. Hanson follows orders and soon corners Steve in the OSI parking lot. A Geiger counter reads a high level of radiation, thus confirming Oscar’s suspicions. Steve manages to escape by climbing onto the roof a moving van and then jumping over a wall.


Steve goes to Linda’s apartment to seek refuge. There he calls Rudy to ask him to meet him in Jaime’s room at the hospital.

Donning an orderly’s uniform to avoid attracting attention to himself, Steve enters Jaime’s room where Rudy has set up a microwave gun that will scramble the robot’s signals. Franklin will believe to a malfunction while they work at putting the robot out of commission for good.

Following a quick call to Oscar telling him that Jaime is claiming that he is a robot, Rudy then disappears behind the screen to wait for the enemy to make his entrance.


Oscar walks in and proceeds to kill the sleeping patient with his bare hands but instead it’s Steve who leaps out of the bed.


They engage in a bionic fight, which luckily ends with Steve being the victor by disconnecting the power supply behind the robot’s head.


Their celebration is short-lived when a frightened Linda comes running with the news that her nemesis has taken life. Franklin’s voice comes through the robot’s speaker to inform the threesome that he is now in possession of the Weather Control System. The hurricane raging outside is undeniable proof of his allegation.


Part Three

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