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Meg Morris
Also: Meg Jackson
Actress: Elspeth Ballantyne
Meg's biggest claim to fame has to be that she was the only character to survive from episode 1 right through to the final episode (692).

Meg has had many a catastrophe. Her first husband was killed by Chrissie Latham (stabbed in the chest by a pair of scissors??). Her second husband left her because of her job. She was sentenced to 2 days in Wentworth for contempt of court and was beaten up by one of the prisoners (Margo Gaffney). When her son came home from the navy for a visit, a friend he brought with him held Meg prisoner (a la Fatal Attraction?). Etc. The following is all I know about since I started watching, and can remember. I shall try to list the events in chronological order.

She was interested in a social worker at the prison, Phil the American. However, one of the prisoners, Angel, was also interested in him, and wanted Meg to be "put off men for a while". So she arranged for Meg to be raped by Peter Wright and a friend. Eventually Wright was arrested, and everything seemed OK. (NB. As far as I know, Phil and Meg never actually slept together).

The next incident in Meg's life was that she and the Govenor, Anne Reynolds, were kidnapped by the boyfriend of Phyllis Hunt (see the entries for Phyllis and Anne Reynolds for further info). When she escaped, she was taken to hospital. While there, she discovered that she was pregnant. She was also told that her current boyfriend, Phil, had been bumped off by the psycho who had kidnapped her.

By doing the  maths, she worked out that the baby was in fact fathered by one of the rapists. She went through days of agony, trying to decide whether to keep the baby or abort it, and got "advice" from various people, including Joyce Barry, who was adamant that she should keep it. She eventually decided to keep the baby. Then she went into hospital for a check-up, where she was told that she had a cervical tumor (or similar) and that, unless it was operated on within a week or so, she would probably die. She was also told that she would not be able to keep the baby and have the operation.